

On the Theoretical Connotation of"Educational"in Vocational Education and Its Realization



The economic and social progress has put forward a higher demand for the construction of modern vocational education,and accelerated the urgency of the construction of the modern vocational education system.At present,vocational education has not yet gotten rid of the social cognition of"skills education""education of low-skilled talents"and"education of poor students".As a type of education,the key to vocational education lies in understanding its educational attributes.Based on Dewey's analysis,occupation should be a means of education,not an end.Education builds connections to the world of work through professional activities and stimulates an individual's career interest for self-growth.When social production activities deepen the contents of occupation,the connotation of vocational education required by skilled talents also deepens.It is manifested in three aspects,that is,the educational goal of vocational education should be shifted to a more perfect personality cultivation,the teaching contents should be shifted to"know why it is true",and the teaching process should focus on cultivating students'practical reflection ability.Based on this,vocational education should provide students with a wider range of career guidance,strengthen the knowledge of vocational education course contents,and strengthen students'experience in learning and practice.





vocational educationeducationaltheoretical connotationDeweyDemocratic ideology of education

《职业技术教育》 2024 (022)

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