

Investigation and Habitat Analysis of Wild Resources of Dendrobium officinale in Shaoguan Danxia Landforms


目的:调查广东韶关丹霞地貌现存铁皮石斛野生资源的生存现状,为野生铁皮石斛就地保护、回归保育及仿野生栽培提供参考.方法:对国内铁皮石斛野生资源情况进行整理,基于本课题组近 10 年来对广东韶关丹霞地貌野生铁皮石斛资源分布和生境开展的跟踪调查,对 11 个调查地点的海拔、朝向、铁皮石斛数量、坡位、坡向进行分析,探讨丹霞地貌野生铁皮石斛植物形态和生境特点.结果:调查记录了广东韶关丹霞地貌中的野生铁皮石斛 300 余丛,约 3000 g,处于极度濒危状态;实地观察发现,野生铁皮石斛茎多呈紫红色,长 5~10 cm,有"形似蚱蜢髀"的茎条,叶铁锈色斑点明显;丹霞地貌的野生铁皮石斛大多生长在海拔 100~500 m的丹霞崖壁中部或近坡顶处,常与苔藓和地衣伴生,一般生长在东南至西南朝向、通风良好、傍水潮湿的丹霞岩壁上,且半阳偏阴、温凉高湿环境下长势较好.结论:野外考察证实,《本草经集注》中记载的"今用石斛出始兴"的石斛为铁皮石斛,其药用历史在 1500 年以上;丹霞地貌的铁皮石斛为目前国内铁皮石斛的主要种源之一;野生丹霞铁皮石斛因自身繁殖率低、人为长期采摘等原因,现已极度濒危,亟须开展铁皮石斛野生资源的调查与保护工作.

Objective:To investigate the current status of wild resources of Dendrobium officinale in Danxia landforms in Shaoguan,Guangdong province and provide references for the on-site protection,conservation,and the simulated wild cultivation of wild D.officinale.Methods:The wild resources of D.officinale in China were compiled,and based on the tracking survey of wild D.officinale distribution and habitat in Danxia landforms in Shaoguan,Guangdong,conducted by this research group in the past ten years,the altitude,orientation,number of D.officinale,slope position,and slope aspect of 11 survey sites were analyzed to explore the morphological and habitat characteristics of wild D.officinale in Danxia landforms.Results:This investigation recorded more than 300 clusters of wild D.officinale in Danxia landforms in Shaoguan,Guangdong,with a total weight of about 3000 g,in a critically endangered state.Field observations revealed that the stems of wild D.officinale were mostly purplish-red,about 5 to 10 cm long,with stems resembling grasshopper thighs and obvious rust-colored spots on the leaves.Wild D.officinale in Danxia landforms mostly grew in the middle or near the top of Danxia cliffs at altitudes of 100 to 500 m,often symbiotic with moss and lichen,generally growing on Danxia rock walls facing southeast to southwest with good ventilation and moist environments near water,and growing better in semi-shady,cool,and moist conditions.Conclusion:Field investigations confirmed that the Dendrobium recorded in the Collected Notes on the Materia Medica is D.officinale,with a medicinal history of over 1500 years.D.officinale in Danxia landforms is one of the main sources of D.officinale in China.Due to its low natural reproduction rate and long-term human collecting,wild D.officinale in Danxia is now critically endangered,and there is an urgent need to conduct investigations and protection work on wild D.officinale resources.


广州中医药大学 中药学院,广东 广州 510006广州中医药大学 中药学院,广东 广州 510006||道地药材品质保障与资源持续利用全国重点实验室,北京 100700广州中医药大学 中药学院,广东 广州 510006||韶关市丹霞铁皮石斛研究院,广东 韶关 512005



Dendrobium officinale Kimura et MigoDanxia landformresources investigationhabitat analysis

《中国现代中药》 2024 (007)

1127-1133 / 7


