

Germplasm Resource Survey of Dendrobium nobile in Chishui and Its Comparison of HPLC Fingerprints


目的:调查赤水野生金钗石斛种源状况,建立高效液相色谱法(HPLC)指纹图谱,初步探讨野生种源与石上仿野生样品的差异.方法:采用文献查阅和实地走访相结合的方法对贵州省赤水市野生金钗石斛种源及生境状况进行调查;采用HPLC指纹图谱对金钗石斛野生种源、石上仿野生种植及产于 6 个基地的成熟干品与鲜品进行分析.结果:在赤水市石堡乡寻找到附生在古树上的野生金钗石斛种源,生长年限分别在 50、30、20 年左右;4棵古树上分别有金钗石斛 80~100 丛,每丛约 10~15 株,总质量为 40~50 kg;金钗石斛野生种源与石上仿野生样品HPLC指纹图谱有 7 个共有特征峰,指认了 3 个特征峰成分,其相似度均在 0.940 以上.结论:赤水野生金钗石斛资源稀少,仅附生在极少量古树上;石上仿野生种植及不同基地的金钗石斛与古树上的野生种源指纹图谱相似度较高,石上仿野生种植模式所产金钗石斛能与野生种质保持一致.

Objective:To investigate the status of wild Dendrobium nobile in Chishui and establish HPLC fingerprints to preliminarily explore the differences between wild sources and imitative wild cultivation samples.Methods:A combination of literature review and field visits was adopted to investigate the wild D.nobile species and habitat conditions in Chishui city,Guizhou Province.High-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)fingerprinting was used to analyze the wild sources,imitative wild cultivation samples,and mature dried and fresh products from six different bases.Results:Wild D.nobile species were found growing on ancient trees in Shibao township,Chishui city,with growth periods of approximately 50,30,and 20 years.There were 80-100 clusters of D.nobile on four ancient trees,with each cluster consisting of about 10-15 plants,and the total weight was 40-50 kg.The HPLC fingerprints of wild sources and imitative wild cultivation samples of D.nobile showed seven common characteristic peaks,with three of these peaks identified.The similarity index was above 0.940 for all samples.Conclusion:The wild D.nobile resources in Chishui are scarce,only found on a limited number of ancient trees.The HPLC fingerprints of imitative wild cultivation D.nobile and samples from different bases were highly similar to those of the wild sources,indicating that imitative wild cultivation D.nobile can maintain consistency with the wild germplasm.


广州中医药大学 中药学院,广东 广州 510006赤水芝绿金钗石斛生态园开发有限公司,贵州 遵义 564700广州中医药大学 第一附属医院,广东 广州 510405广州中医药大学 中药学院,广东 广州 510006||道地药材品质保障与资源持续利用全国重点实验室,北京 100700



Dendrobium nobile Lindl.germplasm surveyimitative wild cultivationfingerprint

《中国现代中药》 2024 (007)

1134-1140 / 7


