

Exploring the Role of Cellular Autophagy in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Based on"Qi Transformation Theory"



Qi transformation theory is one of the fundamental theories of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).Qi movement is the foundation of qi transformation,and qi transformation is the basis of qi movement.The coordination between the two is the key to maintaining the normal function of the viscera and bowels.Abnormalities in qi movement and qi transformation are important factors leading to the occurrence of diseases.Autophagy defies the invasion of external pathogen by degrading macromolecules,proteins and organelles.As a defense mechanism,autophagy is similar to the function of qi in TCM in terms of metabolism and immunity.Myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS)in TCM belongs to the categories of"marrow toxin fatigue"or"deficiency fatigue".It is characterized by deficiency in root and excess in superficiality.Kidney deficiency is the root problem in this case.Because,in this case,yang is in deficiency and fails to warm and propel,leading to failure in qi transformation,water metabolism disorders,phlegm turbidity formation,blood stasis,and pathogenic toxin formation.If pathogenic toxin resides in the bone marrow for a long time,myelodysplastic syndrome will arise.This article analyzes the autophagy mechanism of MDS through the theory of qi transformation,combines qi transformation with cellular autophagy in MDS,in order to explore the relationship between the two.We believe that qi transformation abnormality is the main pathogenesis in the occurrence of MDS.Therefore,we put forward the treatment principles of tonifying deficiency and reinforcing the healthy qi,resolving phlegm and relieving toxin,filling essence and benefiting the marrow,and warming yang and transforming qi.This way,we can regulate qi movement,coordinate yin and yang,in order to delay the process of MDS,improving the clinical symptoms,and providing new ideas for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of MDS.


北京中医药大学,北京 100029||北京中医药大学东方医院,北京 100078北京中医药大学东方医院,北京 100078



Qi transformation theoryAutophagyMyelodysplastic syndrome

《中医药学报》 2024 (008)

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