

Treating Pulmonary Nodules with Warming Yang Method Based on the Principle of"Yang Transforms into Qi,while Yin Constitutes Form"



The concept of"Yang transforms into qi,while yin constitutes form",as recorded in the chapter of"Plain questions:Yin-Yang Appropriate Correspondences"of the Huangdi Neijing(The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic),succinctly summarizes the vital activities of human viscera and bowls tissues.The imbalance of yin and yang is crucial in the onset of diseases.Through the analysis of this theory,this paper identifies the core mechanism underlying the occurrence and development of pulmonary nodules as"insufficient qi transformation leading to excessive formation of substance(yin)."Nodules,as tangible entities,originates from the deficiency of bodily yang qi,because deficient qi hinders the circulation of essence,blood,and body fluids,and the obstructed essence,blood,and body fluids transforms into phlegm-fluid retention,and static toxins in local areas,forming pulmonary nodules.The nodules themselves are caused by yang deficiency and yin binding,the root cause is deficiency and the superficial cause is excess,wherein the deficiency represents the deficiency of Spleen and kidney yang,and the excess refers to accumulation of phlegm-fluid retention,blood stasis,and turbid toxins.Traditional Chinese Medicine emphasizes treating the root cause of diseases.Therefore,based on the theory of"Yang transforms into qi,while yin constitutes form,"the application of the treatment principle of warming Yang and transforming qi should be applied in the treatment of pulmonary nodules.Various treatment strategies such as warming yang to tonify the kidneys,fortify the spleen,resolve phlegm,activate blood,resolve toxins,and dissipate binds could be employed to prevent excessive formation of substance(yin).By ensuring the normal function of"Yang transforms qi,"the balance of yin and yang in the body is maintained,thus preventing the onset of various diseases.


湖北中医药大学附属襄阳医院,湖北 襄阳 441000山东中医药大学附属医院,山东 济南 250014


Yang transforms into qi,while yin constitutes formPulmonary nodulesYang-warming method

《中医药信息》 2024 (007)

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