首页|期刊导航|Nano-Micro Letters|Boosted Lithium-Ion Transport Kinetics in n-Type Siloxene Anodes Enabled by Selective Nucleophilic Substitution of Phosphorus

Boosted Lithium-Ion Transport Kinetics in n-Type Siloxene Anodes Enabled by Selective Nucleophilic Substitution of PhosphorusOACSTPCDEI


Doped two-dimensional(2D)materials hold significant promise for advancing many technologies,such as microelectronics,optoelectronics,and energy storage.Herein,n-type 2D oxidized Si nanosheets,namely n-type siloxene(n-SX),are employed as Li-ion battery anodes.Via thermal evaporation of sodium hypophosphite at 275°C,P atoms are effectively incorporated into siloxene(SX)without compromising its 2D layered morphology and unique Kautsky-type crystal structure.Further,selec-tive nucleophilic substitution occurs,with only Si atoms being replaced by P atoms in the O_(3)≡Si-H tetrahedra.The resulting n-SX possesses two delocalized electrons arising from the presence of two electron donor types:(i)P atoms residing in Si sites and(ii)H vacancies.The doping concentrations are varied by controlling the amount of precursors or their mean free paths.Even at 2000 mA g^(-1),the n-SX electrode with the optimized doping concentration(6.7×10^(19) atoms cm^(-3))delivers a capacity of 594 mAh g^(-1) with a 73%capacity retention after 500 cycles.These improvements originate from the enhanced kinetics of charge transport processes,including electronic conduction,charge transfer,and solid-state diffusion.The approach proposed herein offers an unprecedented route for engineering SX anodes to boost Li-ion storage.

Se In Kim;Woong-Ju Kim;Jin Gu Kang;Dong-Wan Kim;

School of Civil,Environmental and Architectural Engineering,Korea University,02841 Seoul,South KoreaNanophotonics Research Center,Korea Institute of Science and Technology,02792 Seoul,South Korea


Li-ion batteryTwo-dimensionalN-type siloxeneDoping mechanismKinetics

《Nano-Micro Letters》 2024 (010)

P.618-637 / 20

supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)and funded by the Ministry of Education(2020R1A6A1A03045059);by Ministry of Science and ICT(2022R1A2C3003319);by the Institutional Program(2E33221)of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST).

