首页|期刊导航|Nano-Micro Letters|Recent Advance in Synaptic Plasticity Modulation Techniques for Neuromorphic Applications

Recent Advance in Synaptic Plasticity Modulation Techniques for Neuromorphic ApplicationsOACSTPCDEI


Manipulating the expression of synaptic plasticity of neuromorphic devices provides fascinating opportunities to develop hardware platforms for artifi-cial intelligence.However,great efforts have been devoted to exploring biomimetic mechanisms of plasticity simulation in the last few years.Recent progress in various plasticity modulation techniques has pushed the research of synaptic electronics from static plasticity simulation to dynamic plasticity modulation,improving the accuracy of neuromorphic computing and providing strategies for implementing neuromorphic sensing functions.Herein,several fascinating strategies for synap-tic plasticity modulation through chemical techniques,device structure design,and physical signal sensing are reviewed.For chemical techniques,the underly-ing mechanisms for the modification of functional materials were clarified and its effect on the expression of synaptic plasticity was also highlighted.Based on device structure design,the reconfigurable operation of neuromorphic devices was well demonstrated to achieve programmable neuromorphic functions.Besides,integrating the sensory units with neuromorphic processing circuits paved a new way to achieve human-like intelligent perception under the modulation of physical signals such as light,strain,and temperature.Finally,considering that the relevant technology is still in the basic exploration stage,some prospects or development suggestions are put forward to promote the development of neuromorphic devices.

Yilin Sun;Huaipeng Wang;Dan Xie;

School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,People''s Republic of ChinaSchool of Integrated Circuits,Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology(BNRist),Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,People''s Republic of China


Plasticity modulationDynamic plasticityChemical techniquesProgrammable operationNeuromorphic sensing

《Nano-Micro Letters》 2024 (010)

P.403-434 / 32

financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.62104017 and 52072204);Beijing Institute of Technology Research Fund Program for Young Scholars.

