

Research on Key Technology for Perforating 10 000-Metre Deep-Earth Exploration Wells


万米深地科探井肩负着科学探索与油气发现的重大任务,在超深层油气勘探领域具有深远意义.万米深地科探井射孔完井过程中,将面临井筒极端高温高压、射孔管柱超长跨度、油层套管空间狭小等复杂问题,常规深层射孔技术已无法完全满足施工需求.为切实保障万米深地科探井顺利射孔完井,针对性地进行了万米深地科探井射孔关键技术研究,涵盖了特高温特高压射孔器研制、万米深地科探井射孔管柱力学研究、超深层射孔工艺改进.首先,分别对射孔器承压设计、配套火工品配方、药型罩配方与结构进行改进升级,并进行射孔器抗外压强度数值模拟,开展射孔器极限耐压、地面打靶等试验,将射孔器耐温耐压指标提升至260℃/245 MPa.其次,针对射孔爆轰压力引起管柱剧烈振动失效问题,采用微元法、能量法结合哈密顿变分原理,建立全井筒射孔爆轰压力场模型及射孔管柱振动计算模型,对比现场采集的试验数据验证其准确性,初步形成万米深地科探井射孔管柱动力学计算程序.最后,基于以上万米深地科探井射孔保障软硬件,对万米深地科探井管柱传输射孔工艺进行配套升级.在BZ107井的现场试验,验证了配套射孔器、计算程序以及施工工艺的可行性,也为下一步万米深地科探井射孔完井顺利实施奠定了坚实基础.

The 10 000-metre deep-earth exploration well shoulders the major tasks of scientific exploration and oil and gas discovery,and has far-reaching significance in the field of ultra-deep oil and gas exploration.In the process of perforating and completing 10 000-metre deep-earth exploration wells,it will face complex problems such as extreme high temperature and high pressure in the wellbore,ultra-long span of perforating tubing,and narrow casing space in the oil reservoir,etc.Conventional deep-earth perforating technology can no longer meet the construction requirements completely.In order to ensure the smooth perforating and completion of 10 000-metre deep-earth exploration wells,the key technology research on perforating 10 000-meter deep-earth exploration wells has been carried out,covering the development of ultra-high-temperature and ultra-high-pressure perforators,research on the mechanics of perforating tubing columns for 10 000-metre deep-earth exploration wells,and research and development of ultra-deep-perforating technology.Firstly,the perforator pressure-bearing design,supporting pyrotechnic formula,liner formula and structure were improved and upgraded respectively,numerical simulation of perforator external pressure strength is carried out,and tests of perforator extreme pressure resistance and ground target shooting are carried out,which improved the temperature and pressure resistance index of perforator to 260℃/245 MPa.Secondly,for the problem of violent vibration failure of tubing column caused by perforating blast pressure,the micro-element method,energy method combined with Hamiltonian variational principle is adopted.Thirdly,to address the problem of violent vibration failure of tubular column caused by perforating pressure,the microelement method,energy method and Hamilton's variational principle are used to establish the pressure field model of perforating pressure field and vibration model of perforating tubular column in the whole wellbore,the accuracy is verified by comparing with the experimental data collected from the field,and the calculation procedure of the dynamics of perforating tubular column in the 10 000-metre deep-earth exploration well has been formed preliminarily.Finally,based on the above software and hardware for perforating 10 000-metre deep-earth exploration wells,we upgraded the perforating process of tubular column transmission in 10 000-metre deep-earth exploration wells.Field tests have been carried out in the BZ107 well to verify the feasibility of the supporting perforator,calculation program and construction process,and laid a solid foundation for the next step of the successful implementation of 10 000-metre deep-earth exploration well perforating and completing wells.


中国石油集团测井有限公司西南分公司,重庆 401139


10 000-metre deep-earth exploration wellperforatorperforated tube column mechanicsperforation processextra high temperature and high pressure

《测井技术》 2024 (004)

453-464,536 / 13


