

Irrational Application of Chinese Patent Medicine in Obstetrics Department of a Grade Ⅲ,Level A Hospital


目的:促进医院产科中成药的合理应用,保障孕产妇及婴儿用药安全.方法:利用临床用药决策支持软件对某三甲医院产科2022年度开具的中成药处方进行系统自动点评筛选,对筛选出的问题处方再次进行人工点评,对处方存在的问题类型进行归纳汇总,分析原因.结果:该院产科2022年开具中成药处方(含住院医嘱)共计14 886张,系统智能筛选出问题处方3 987张(26.78%),人工点评后确认存在用药不合理情况的处方199张(1.34%),其中不合理儿童药品处方19张(9.55%).结论:该院产科2022年仍存在不合理使用中成药情况,医院需及时采取积极的干预措施,以保障产科用药规范合理,保障患者的安全.

Objective:To promote the rational application of Chinese patent medicine in Obstetric Department,and ensure the medication safety for pregnant and postpartum women and infants.Methods:Clinical medication decision support software was used to automatically review and screen the Chinese patent medicine prescriptions issued by Obstetrics Department of a grade Ⅲ,level A hospital in 2022,the screened prescriptions were artificially re-evaluated.The types of problems in prescriptions were summarized and the reasons were analyzed.Results:In 2022,totally 14,886 prescriptions of Chinese patent medicine(including inpatient medical orders)were issued in Obstetrics Department of the hospital.And 3,987 prescriptions(26.78%)with problems were screened out intelligently by the software,199 prescriptions(1.34%)with problems were confirmed to be irrational after manual review.Among them,19 were irrational prescriptions for children(9.55%).Conclusion:There are still some irrational application of Chinese patent medicine in Obstetric Department of the hospital in 2022.It is necessary for the hospital to take active intervention measures in time to ensure the rational medication standards in Obstetric Department and the safety of patients.


川北医学院附属医院,四川南充 637000||川北医学院药学院,四川南充 637000川北医学院附属医院,四川南充 637000



Chinese patent medicineprescription reviewchildren's drugsrational drug usepregnant and postpartum womenhospital pharmacy

《儿科药学杂志》 2024 (008)

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