

Research on Fabrication of Flexible Superconducting Circuits


超导转变边沿探测器是坎德拉单位量子化复现和单能X射线量子计量的核心器件.大规模超导转变边沿探测器阵列探头的信号读出需利用柔性超导电路将信号传输至探头侧面的超导量子干涉器件.柔性超导电路是将超导信号线制备在柔性聚酰亚胺衬底上以实现信号低热导率、无阻传输.以硅片作为临时支撑,电子束蒸发100 nm Cr膜作为剥离牺牲层.非光敏聚酰胺酸旋涂在Cr膜上固化后,通过紫外曝光、溅射薄膜沉积和剥离等工艺制备Nb/Al薄膜传输线结构,利用Cr膜高应力特性将聚酰亚胺薄膜从硅片上剥离,湿法腐蚀Cr膜完成柔性超导电路的制备.测试的40 根Nb/Al传输线的超导转变温度Tc 为8.91~9.02 K,剩余电阻比rRR为5.83~6.96.温度为8K时,38 根传输线临界电流Ic 超过1 mA;温度为4.2K时,所有样品Ic 均超过1 mA,其中有25 根传输线Ic超过10 mA,满足超导转变边沿探测器阵列测试需求.

The superconducting transition edge sensor(TES)is the key device for the quantum reproduction of the Candela(Cd)unit and single energy X-ray quantum metrology.Transferring the signal from the large-scale TES array to the readout superconducting quantum interference device(SQUID)electronics on the side of the sensor unit relies on the flexible superconducting circuits.Superconducting transmission lines are fabricated on a flexible polyimide substrate for the low thermal conductivity and resistance-free signal transmission.A silicon(Si)wafer is used as a temporary supporting substrate,and a 100 nm Cr film as the sacrificial layer to release the polyimide(PI)film is e-beam evaporated on the Si.Polyimide acid is spin-coated on the Cr film and cured to form the PI film.The Nb/Al thin film transmission lines are fabricated onto the PI film by UV exposure,sputtering and lift-off processes.Then the PI film is released from the silicon substrate due to the high tensile stress of the Cr film,and then the Cr film is wet etched to complete the preparation of flexible superconducting circuits.The superconducting transition temperature Tc of the measured 40 Nb/Al transmission lines are 8.9.~9.02 K,and the residual resistance ratio(rRR,r300 K/r10 K)are 5.83~6.96.At 8 K,the critical current Ic of 38 samples is greater than 1 mA.At 4.2 K,the Ic of all the samples is greater than 1 mA,of which 25 samples are larger than 10 mA.The Tc and Ic satisfy the requirement of the signal transmission of the TES arrays.


中国计量大学 计量测试工程学院,浙江 杭州 310018四川大学 物理学院,四川 成都 610065中国计量科学研究院,北京 102200济南量子技术研究院,山东 济南 250101


electrical metrologytransition edge sensorpolyimideflexible superconducting circuitsuperconducting transition temperaturecritical current

《计量学报》 2024 (007)

929-934 / 6


