

The Exploration and Practice of Integrating the Curriculum of Ideology and Politics Into the Teaching of Internal Medicine



In order to train medical students with both virtue and ability in the new era,it is very important to properly integrate ideological and political education elements in the teaching process of medical professional courses.In the teaching process of Internal Medicine,teachers should combine the curriculum characteristics of Internal Medicine and the current situation of ideological and political education,first of all clarify the teaching objectives of Internal Medicine,and gradually infiltrate the ideological and political elements into each teaching link of Internal Medicine by adopting drip teaching,case teaching and the teaching method combining theory with practice according to different chapter contents.After class,questionnaire and interview are used to evaluate and give feedback on the teaching effect.Ideological and political education has been continuously infiltrated into the process of professional education,and a Internal Medicine ideological and political teaching system has been formed.While mastering professional medical knowledge,cultivate medical students to establish respect for patients,reverence for life,gratitude,dedication,cherish life professional ethics and sense of social responsibility,stimulate students'patriotic feelings,and truly realize the unity of teaching and education.


河北大学附属医院心内科,河北 保定 071002



internal medicinecurriculum ideological and politicaldrip irrigation teachingcase teachingdoctorial benevolenceimpart knowledge and cultivate people

《继续医学教育》 2024 (007)

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