

Discussion on the Experience of Preparing for the Medical General Course of College Students and Reproductive Health



General education,as a comprehensive way of education,aims to foster students'comprehensive quality and critical thinking ability.In recent years,medical general education courses have attracted much attention,and how to move from"specialisation"to"diversity"has become a topic worthy of in-depth study.In order to attract and adapt to students from different majors and educational backgrounds,teachers should carefully consider how to tap into and integrate humanistic feelings,artistic beauty and sociological perspectives into medical courses,so as to enrich and diversify the course content.This paper discusses the experience of lesson preparation for general medical education from the following aspects:1)Establishing core content:The professional knowledge of diseases should be"downgraded".Instead of explaining the mechanism of disease,it is better to cultivate students'ability to refine the problem and solve the problem.This will lead to the collision of different dimensions of thinking and the use of multidisciplinary perspectives on the relationship between medicine,human beings and society.2)Skillful introduction of theme:Discuss and analyze points of conflict outside of medical treatment in real cases,and be good at digging contradictions to trigger speculation.3)Enriching learning resources:This will involve focusing on the timeliness of learning resources,making full use of multimedia and providing database resources.4)Multiple assessment methods:Abandon memorized answer sheets,and use daily interaction,case analysis,experience and other ways to assess course effectiveness.5)Enhancing ideological and political education:The rapid development of medicine is a microcosm of social progress,and timely guidance can stimulate students'pride and self-confidence.In order to create high-quality general education courses,it is necessary to prepare lessons well for medical general education courses and give full play to the literature,history,philosophy,science,and other materials contained in medicine.


中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院妇产科,广东 广州 510120||中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院深汕中心医院生殖医学中心,广东 汕尾 516600中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院妇产科,广东 广州 510120



general education coursemedical sciencesteaching methodintegrating the disciplinesideological and political educationcase teaching

《继续医学教育》 2024 (007)

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