

Progress and future trends in development of multi-story and high-rise modular structures and construction technology



Modular structures have the advantages of high construction efficiency,high standardization,labor saving,low carbon emission,environmental protection,safety and reliability compared with traditional structural forms,which show great development potential in the context of new building industrialization.With the development of economy and society,modular structures have been gradually used in multi-story and high-rise buildings in recent years,which face more challenges in terms of bearing performance and construction technology.In order to promote the research and application of multi-story and high-rise modular structures,research progress of modular units,modular structural systems,structural mechanical properties and design requirements and modular construction technologies was summarized.The classification of modular units was reviewed,and the advantages,disadvantages and application scope of different types of modular units were compared.Multi-story and high-rise modular structural systems and their engineering applications were introduced.The research on the mechanical properties of modular structures under various types of loads and related design standards were sorted out.The existing modular construction technologies were summarized,and the various aspects of modular construction are discussed in detail according to the construction sequence.At present,there are still deficiencies in connections,structural system analysis,application of high-performance materials,standard specifications,installation equipment and integrated design,which require systematic studies that take into account the whole construction process and synergies among various disciplines to build a technology system for multi-story and high-rise modular structures.


北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,北京 100083||北京科技大学城镇化与城市安全研究院,北京 100083深圳人才安居集团有限公司,广东深圳 518000中建海龙科技有限公司,广东深圳 518110



modular structuremulti-story and high-rise buildingsmodular unitstructural systemconstruction technology

《建筑结构学报》 2024 (008)

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