

A comparative study of future summer precipitation projections in Northwest China under different physical constraint schemes


近年来,各种证据表明我国西北地区降水呈现增加的趋势,在未来变暖背景下,西北地区降水如何变化,成为我国学术界和社会广泛关注的问题.文中采用了两种基于物理关系的约束(优选)方法,即涌现约束和帕累托最优集合方案,选择了显著影响夏季西北地区降水的物理因子热带印度洋海温和东亚副热带 200 hPa纬向风,对 25 个CMIP6 模式给出的SSP585 情景下21 世纪末期夏季西北地区降水进行了不同约束方案的预估及对比.结果表明:相对于1995-2014年,基于CMIP6模式集合平均得到的21世纪末期夏季西北地区平均降水增加23%,未经约束的不确定性范围为-8.4%~61.7%.通过热带印度洋海温(东亚副热带 200 hPa纬向风)涌现约束后,21世纪末期夏季西北地区降水增加24%(19%),不确定性范围减小为-8.4%~52%(-9%~45%),不确定性分别降低了15%(21%).进一步利用三变量(中国西北夏季历史降水、热带印度洋海温、东亚副热带 200 hPa纬向风)的帕累托最优集合方案得到21世纪末期夏季西北地区平均降水变化增加28%,范围为8%~44%,降低了近39%的不确定性范围.同时帕累托最优集合表明降水增多的区域主要集中在西北地区中部与西部,最大降水增幅达到60%以上.

Northwest China experiences a scarcity of annual precipitation,characterized as a typical inland arid and semi-arid region.In recent years,various evidence has indicated an increasing trend in precipitation in this region.Understanding how precipitation will change in Northwest China under future warming has become a topic of widespread concern in the academic and social spheres in China.Based on two physically constrained(preferred)methods,namely,the emergent constraint and the Pareto-optimal ensemble scheme,two influential physical factors affecting summer precipitation in Northwest China were selected:tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature(SST)and the East Asian subtropical 200 hPa zonal wind.Different constraint schemes were applied to the summer precipitation projections from 25 CMIP6 models.The results show that,relative to the period 1995-2014,the ensemble mean of CMIP6 models projects a 23%increase in average summer precipitation in Northwest China by the end of the 21st century.The unconstrained estimation range is from-8.4%to 61.7%.After constraining with tropical Indian Ocean SST(East Asian subtropical 200 hPa zonal wind),the projected increase reaches 24%(19%),and the uncertainty range narrows to-8.4%to 52%(-9%to 45%),reducing uncertainties by 15%(21%).Further utilization of the three-variable Pareto-optimal ensemble scheme,including historical summer precipitation in Northwest China,tropical Indian Ocean SST,and East Asian subtropical 200 hPa zonal wind,indicates a 28%increase in average summer precipitation in Northwest China by the end of the 21st century,with a narrowed uncertainty range of 8%to 44%,representing a nearly 39%reduction in uncertainty.The Pareto-optimal ensemble suggests that the regions experiencing increased precipitation are concentrated in the central and western parts of Northwest China,with the maximum precipitation increase exceeding 60%.


南京信息工程大学气象灾害教育部重点实验室/气候与环境变化国际联合实验室/气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,南京 210044


CMIP6Pareto-optimal schemeEmergent constraintPrecipitation

《气候变化研究进展》 2024 (004)

403-415 / 13


