

Study on Adsorption of Cd2+by Cellulose-Based Superabsorbent Resin


吸水树脂因其能吸附金属离子的特性,在环境治理领域受到广泛关注.文章以玉米秸秆、高岭土为原料,以丙烯酸、丙烯酰胺为聚合单体,通过水溶液聚合法制备纤维素基高吸水树脂.用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线能谱(EDX)对纤维素基高吸水树脂进行表征.利用合成的高吸水树脂对含Cd2+模拟废水进行吸附研究.结果表明:该纤维素基高吸水树脂对Cd2+有良好的吸附性,当溶液pH值为6,树脂用量为0.10 g,吸附时间为200 min时,吸水树脂对Cd2+有效去除率可达到93.57%.该树脂在稀盐酸溶液中对Cd2+的解吸附效果较好,解吸附率为88.73%.该树脂还具有较好的重复吸附性,8次重复吸附后,对Cd2+的去除率仍然达到79.12%.该纤维素基高吸水树脂具有可循环再生能力,重复吸附稳定性较好,在含Cd2+工业废水处理方面具有潜在价值.

Water-absorbent resins have attracted widespread attention in the field of environmental treatment due to their ability to adsorb metal ions.The article utilizes corn straw and kaolin as raw materials,and acrylate and acrylamide as polymerization monomers to prepare cellulose-based superabsorbent resin through an aqueous solution polymerization method.The cellulose-based superabsorbent resin was characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX).The synthesized superabsorbent resin was utilized for the adsorption study of Cd2+in simulated wastewater.The results showed that the cellulose-based superabsorbent resin exhibited excellent adsorption capacity for Cd2+.When the solution pH value was 6,the resin dosage was 0.10 g,and the adsorption time was 200 min,the effective removal rate of the superabsorbent resin for Cd2+could reach 93.57% .The resin demonstrated good desorption performance for Cd2+in dilute hydrochloric acid solution,with a desorption rate of 88.73% .The resin also exhibited good reusability,maintaining a Cd2+removal rate of 79.12% after eight cycles of repeated adsorption.The cellulose-based superabsorbent resin possesses recyclable and regenerative capabilities,with good stability in repeated adsorption,and has potential value for the treatment of industrial wastewater containing Cd2+.


焦作大学化工与环境工程学院,河南焦作 454000焦作市源波环保科技有限公司,河南焦作 454000



Corn strawSuperabsorbent resinCelluloseAdsorption capacityCd2+

《塑料科技》 2024 (007)

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