

Comprehensive Effects and Practice Paths of Sporting Events in Ethnic Areas Empowering Rural Revitalization:Taking"Village Super League"in Guizhou as an Example



It is a crucial task to realize rural revitalization in ethnic areas.With its unique comprehensive value and multiple functions,sporting events in ethnic areas show comprehensive effects that cannot be ignored in rural construction,industrial development and folk culture.Taking sporting events in ethnic areas as starting point and"Village Super League"in Guizhou as an example,this study explores its comprehensive effects,practical dilemmas and practice paths in the process of empowering rural revitalization.It holds that it is rooted in the endogenous logic of people,technology,times,and symbiosis,and has the comprehensive effects of promotion,agglomeration and synergy.And it is faced with practical dilemmas of weak folk culture and insufficient main impetus;of extensive event governance and rigid organization coordination;of the imbalance of supply and demand structure and disjointed integration of resources;and of narrow channel of communication and limited empowerment of sporting events.Therefore,based on the theory of cooperative governance,the practice paths are proposed to incentivize subjects to explore the folk culture gene;to reconstruct values to accelerate the innovation of organization coordination;to integrate resources to promote the integrated development of agriculture,sports,culture and tourism;and to broaden the channel to expand the coverage of sporting events.


东北师范大学 体育学院,吉林 长春 130024||沈阳体育学院 运动训练学院,辽宁 沈阳 110102东北师范大学 体育学院,吉林 长春 130024



sporting events in ethnic arearural revitalization"Village Super League"in Guizhoucollaborative governancecomprehensive effect

《沈阳体育学院学报》 2024 (004)

51-57,72 / 8


