

Train Working Diagram Resilience Evaluation Method for High Speed Railway



The high speed railway system is significantly influenced by both internal and external disturbances or disruptions,which greatly affect the execution of train timetables.Consequently,quantifying train working diagram resilience is crucial for high speed railway transportation operations.After analyzing the dynamic performance of train working diagram,this study defined the concept of train working diagram resilience and its influencing factors.Furthermore,this research proposed the train working diagram resilience coefficients tailored to different scenarios,along with evaluation indicators and a comprehensive evaluation framework.A simulation experiment on the train working diagram resilience was designed based on the train rescheduling engine.By integrating data envelopment analysis,an evaluation method for train working diagram resilience was developed.The results indicate that this method can effectively evaluate and quantify the resilience of high speed railway train working diagram,providing a basis for comparing and optimizing the relative efficiency of different train working diagrams.This can be beneficial for practical industrial applications such as timetabling,improving timetable capabilities,and implementing the"one-day-one-timetable".It offers optimization assistance,decision-making support,and reference for enhancing high speed railway operations.


北京交通大学 交通运输学院,北京 100044中国国家铁路集团有限公司 运输部,北京 100844



High Speed RailwayTrain Working DiagramResilienceData Envelopment AnalysisComprehensive Assessment Approach

《铁道运输与经济》 2024 (008)

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