

Time Saving of Urban Rapid Rail Overtaking under Express and Slow Train Mode


不同于地铁制式,市域快轨是轨道交通建设为满足通勤化、大运量、快速度需求发展到一定阶段产生的新型式,其快慢车运营模式势在必行.为此,在既有研究的基础上,综合考虑运营模式、越行速度、越行站站型、道岔型号等因素,对市域快轨快慢车运营模式下的越行节省时间计算方法展开研究,形成计算方法.以国内某市域快轨为基础建立仿真模型,通过OpenTrack仿真技术验证理论计算结果,得到如下结论:当越行速度介于60~120 km/h之间时,追踪模式下快车跳站运营,每跳一站相比慢车停站的节省时间(含慢车停站时间)介于37~55 s;越行模式下快车越行运营,每越行一站相比慢车停站的节省时间(含慢车停站时间)介于69~87 s.与仿真结果相比,理论计算平均误差不超过3%.研究成果可为市域快轨快慢车运营时间效益分析提供参考.

Different from the metro system,urban rapid rail is a newly constructed system of urban rail transit to meet the needs of commuting,large capacity,and fast speed,and express and slow train operation mode is imperative.Therefore,based on the existing research,considering the operation mode,overtaking speed,overtaking station type,turnout type,and other factors,the calculation method of the time saving of urban rapid rail overtaking under the express and slow train mode was researched and formed.The simulation model was built based on a domestic urban rapid rail,and the theoretical calculation results were verified by OpenTrack.The results show that when the overtaking speed is between 60 to 120 km/h,under the tracking mode,every skipping of the express train which turns to skip station operation saves 37~55 s compared with the slow train stopping(stopping time is included);under the overtaking mode,every overtaking of the express which turns to overtaking operation saves 69~87 s compared with the slow train stopping(stopping time is included).Compared to the simulation results,the average error of the theoretical calculation is within 3%.The research results can provide a reference for analyzing the time benefit of the express and slow train operation of urban rapid rail.


北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司 城市轨道交通绿色与安全建造技术国家工程研究中心,北京 100037北京交通运输职业学院 城市轨道交通系,北京 100096



Urban Rapid RailExpress and Slow TrainTime SavingTracking ModeOvertaking Mode

《铁道运输与经济》 2024 (008)

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