

Discrimination and Overcoming of Problems in the Construction of Ideological and Political Demonstration Courses in Physical Education Courses



The construction of ideological and political demonstration courses in PE courses is a highly integrated and concentrated display of advantageous resources,element condensation,and teaching innovation,playing a demonstrative and leading role in the ideological and political construction of different types of PE courses.A systematic study was conducted on the key teaching issues in the construction process of ideological and political demonstration courses in PE courses using research methods such as literature review and dialectical reasoning.Research suggests that there are problems in the construction of ideological and political demonstration courses for PE courses,including the evaluation of course goal achievement,comprehensive construction of course teams,support of course ideological and political resources,integration of teaching modes,and adaptation and innovation of teaching methods.By deeply analyzing,discriminating,and responding to problems,and proposing effective teaching strategies,these can help to clarify the requirements and behavioral norms for ideological and political construction of different types of PE courses.Teachers can effectively distinguish and adapt to teaching based on the nature and characteristics of each type of course,better construct the teaching balance and complementary relationship of each type of course in the process of ideological and political construction of PE courses,fully demonstrate the refinement,systematization,and scientific achievements of ideological and political construction of PE courses,accelerate the formation of a group of exemplary courses for ideological and political construction of PE courses,create a batch of excellent and high-quality exemplary courses for ideological and political construction of PE courses,and provide practical reference and construction models for the promotion of ideological and political construction of different types of PE courses.


武汉体育学院体育课程思政教学研究示范中心,湖北武汉 430079||武汉体育学院科学运动与健康促进湖北省协同创新中心,湖北武汉 430079



PE coursescourse ideological and political educationideological and political education in PE coursesdemonstration coursesPE teaching

《天津体育学院学报》 2024 (004)

381-388,412 / 9


