

Theoretical Justification and Right Allocation of Sports Event Rights Under the Background of Sports Industry Development


《体育法》第 52 条第 2 款明确了体育赛事传播权.从发挥促进体育产业发展的功能和权利体系化的角度考虑,立法应当在现有体育赛事传播权的基础上进一步规范体育赛事权利.体育赛事权益是价值综合体,涵括了财产性投入和价值性投入,由体育赛事活动组织者与相关主体共享.体育赛事权利是一系列权利所集合而成的"权利束",既包括体育赛事活动组织者和相关主体基于对体育赛事活动的投入而产生抽象份额权,还包括体育赛事活动组织者对体育赛事活动组织管理等方面的权利.在体育赛事权利的实现路径上,进一步确立"投入—权益—收益"的体育赛事活动收益的分配路径,明确体育赛事活动组织者对体育赛事活动组织管理权的内容和限制.

Section 52.2 of the Sports Law of the People's Republic of China explicitly delineates the broadcast rights associated with sporting events.From perspectives oriented towards both stimulating the growth of the sports industry and structuring rights systematically,it is argued that legislation should further refine the legal framework surrounding the rights pertaining to sports events on the established basis of sports event broadcast rights.The spectrum of rights and interests embedded in sports events forms an integrated value entity,amalgamating financial and value-based inputs,shared between the organizers of these sports events and affiliated stakeholders.The suite of rights relevant to sports events amalgamates into a comprehensive"bundle of rights".This covers abstract shares of rights borne from the investments in the sporting events by both organizers and related parties,as well as rights concerning the organization and management of these events.In the effectively realization pathways,the solidification of a"contribution-interests-profits"model for the distribution of sports event-related profits is set;the scope and constraints of organizational and managerial rights held by sports event organizers is precise defined.


集美大学海洋文化与法律学院,福建厦门 361021清华大学法学院,北京 100084



sports industrysports event rightssports event broadcast rightssports event organizerssporting events

《天津体育学院学报》 2024 (004)

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