Composition and Dynamic Evolution of China's Urban Systems During Rapid Urbanization Period
Based on the fifth,sixth and seventh national census data,this paper uses statistical analysis and empirical testing methods to analyze the composition and dynamic evolution characteristics of China's urban system during the period of rapid ur-banization.The results go as below:(1)From 2000 to 2020,the number of megacities in China increases from 3 to 10,and the pro-portion of the population increases from 6.7%to 16.3%.The number of megalopolises increases from 7 to 28,and the proportion of population increases from 8.6%to 20.6%.Medium-sized cities,small cities of type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ have different degrees of popu-lation outflow,and the problem of population outflow of type Ⅱ is the most serious.(2)From 2010 to 2020,Chengdu and Xi'an saw the fastest population growth among megacities,with an average annual growth rate of 7.9%and 7.6%,respectively.The popula-tion growth in Shanghai and Beijing shows a significant slowdown,with an average annual growth rate of 0.8%and 1.4%,respec-tively.(3)From 2010 to 2020,the top 10 cities with net population inflows are all located in the Pearl River Delta,the Yangtze River Delta and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration.Shenzhen,Shanghai and Beijing are the largest net population inflow cities in the three major urban agglomerations.Dongguan and Shenzhen in the Pearl River Delta have the highest proportion of floating population.(4)The scale distribution of urban systems generally presents lognormal distribution characteristics.The value of the"order-scale"distribution index decreases from 0.867 in 2000 to 0.748 in 2020,which deviates from Pareto optimal scale distribution of the Zipf's Law and shows an aggravating trend.Gibrat's Law of no trend proportional relationship between ur-ban size and urban growth has confirmed.
山东工商学院 工商管理学院,山东 烟台 264005
Chinaurban systemsscale distributionZipf's LawGibrat's Lawdynamic evolution
《统计与决策》 2024 (14)