

Evolution of drought-flood abrupt alternation events in Chongqing based on the daily dry-wet abrupt alternation index



Drought-flood abrupt alternation events of 34 meteorological stations in Chongqing City were identified by the daily dry-wet abrupt alternation index(DWAAI),which can accurately reflects the suddenness and alternation of the events.Based on the actual situation of Chongqing City,the range of DWAAI values for drought-flood abrupt alternation events at different levels were determined and the spatiotemporal characteristics of the frequencies of these events were analyzed.The results showed that the drought-flood abrupt alternation events in Chongqing City were predominantly characterized by a transition from drought to flood,accounting for 85%of the total drought-flood abrupt alternation events.These drought-flood events mainly occurred during April-September,and the multi-year average cu-mulative frequency was 22.64 times,with moderate and severe events accounting for 11.7%and 2.9%,respectively.Spatially,drought to flood events occurred frequently in the western,central and northeast-ern regions,with no significant trend in frequency change.Whereas flood to drought events mainly hap-pened from July to September,and the multi-year average cumulative frequency was 5.60 times,with mild and moderate events accounting for 92.9%and 7.1%,respectively.From spatial perspective,flood to drought events were frequent in the southeastern,central and the west part of northeastern regions(such as Kaixian),and the frequencies of the regions listed above generally showed an increasing trend.The research results can provide a theoretical basis for enhancing water security and strengthening drought prevention,flood resistance and disaster reduction in Chongqing and neighboring regions.


福建省水利水电勘测设计研究院有限公司,福建福州 350001河海大学水文水资源学院,江苏南京 210098河海大学水文水资源学院,江苏南京 210098||水利部水利大数据重点实验室,江苏南京 211100重庆市水文监测总站,重庆 401120



drought-flood abrupt alternation eventsdaily dry-wet abrupt alternation indexmodified Sen's trend testspatiotemporal variationChongqing City

《水资源与水工程学报》 2024 (004)

20-28 / 9


