首页|期刊导航|水资源与水工程学报|基于InfoWorks ICM模型的城市小区LID组合方案成本效益研究

基于InfoWorks ICM模型的城市小区LID组合方案成本效益研究OA北大核心CSTPCD

Cost-effectiveness of LID combination schemes for city area based on Info Works ICM model


针对低影响开发(LID)雨水系统建设中存在成本与效益难以平衡的问题,选取甘肃省天水市某居住小区为研究对象,构建InfoWorks ICM 一、二维耦合模型,以不同LID组合方案在不同降雨重现期下的径流总量控制率、径流峰值削减率、积水面积削减率、积水量削减率、固体悬浮物(SS)削减率、化学需氧量(COD)削减率为效益表征量,结合LID设施的生命周期成本定量分析成本效益.结果表明:包含绿色屋顶的LID组合方案成本效益偏低,但对于高重现期降雨具有较强的适应能力,更适用于暴雨频发地区;LID组合方案对于积水面积削减率与积水量削减率的成本效益较高,能有效缓解内涝积水,对于COD削减率的成本效益较低,需进一步优化;雨水桶+生物滞留设施+透水铺装作为总成本效益最高的方案,更适用于研究区域LID雨水系统的建设.研究成果对LID雨水系统的优化设计具有重要参考意义.

In response to the problem of cost and benefit imbalance in the construction of low impact develop-ment(LID)rainwater systems,a residential area in Tianshui City,Gansu Province was selected as the re-search area to construct an InfoWorks ICM one and two dimensional coupled model.The total runoff control rate,peak runoff reduction rate,water accumulation area reduction rate,water accumulation reduction rate,suspended solids(SS)reduction rate and chemical oxygen demand(COD)reduction rate of different LID combination schemes under different rainfall return periods were quantitatively analyzed for the study of cost-ef-fectiveness of LID facilities,with the consideration of their life cycle cost.The results show that the LID com-bination scheme with green roof is less cost-effective,but it has a strong adaptability to heavy rainfall,and is more suitable for rainstorm prone areas.The LID combination schemes are highly cost-effective in reducing the area and volume of water accumulation,and can effectively alleviate waterlogging;however,the cost-effective-ness of COD reduction rate is relatively low,and further optimization is needed.The combination of rainwater buckets,biological retention facilities and permeable paving,as the most cost-effective solution,is more suit-able for the construction of LID rainwater systems in the study area.The research results have important refer-ence significance for the optimization design of LID rainwater systems.


兰州交通大学环境与市政工程学院,甘肃兰州 730070||甘肃省黄河水环境重点实验室,甘肃兰州 730070北京市市政工程设计研究总院有限公司,北京 100082


低影响开发成本效益InfoWorks ICM模型生命周期成本

low impact development(LID)cost-effectivenessInfoWorks ICM modellife cycle cost

《水资源与水工程学报》 2024 (004)

66-75 / 10


