

Recharge and transformation relationship between event precipitation and water bodies in loess region based on hydrogen and oxygen isotopes


黄土高原地区开展的生态建设措施改变了流域地形并影响了水文过程.为探究影响途径,以黄土区典型小流域王茂沟流域为研究区,针对场次降水,采集降水前、后的坝地、梯田两种地类分层土壤样品、降水样品、地表水和浅层地下水样品,通过稳定氢氧同位素技术分析水体中的δD和δ18O,揭示了黄土沟壑区降水-地表水-浅层地下水、降水-土壤水之间的传输转化关系.结果表明:场次降水(20230423)时段内,降水量为70.0 mm,降水和地表水补给浅层地下水,补给比例分别为27.62%和72.38%;地表水和浅层地下水水分传输过程中存在坝地的情况下,降水对浅层地下水的补给率增加了 31.90%;沿程地表水和浅层地下水之间的蒸发损失为1%~13%,且在地表水补给浅层地下水的过程中,蒸发损失随传输距离的增加而增大;坝地深层土壤水较梯田更容易受到降水补给;坝地0~60 cm 土层土壤水对60~100 cm 土壤水的垂向补给率(48.11%)小于梯田0~40 cm 土层土壤水对40~100 cm 土壤水的垂向补给率(55.11%).研究成果可为黄土高原地区生态建设治理对流域水文过程的影响研究和区域生态环境保护提供参考.

Ecological construction measures carried out in the Loess Plateau have changed the topography of the basin and affected the hydrological processes.In order to explore the influencing pathways,taking the Wangmaogou Basin,a typical small watershed in the loess area,was taken as the study area.The stratified soil samples,precipitation samples,surface water and shallow groundwater samples of dam land and terraced fields before and after precipitation were collected to analyze δD and δ18O in the water bodies by stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope technology.According to the analysis,the transmission and trans-formation relationship between precipitation,surface water,shallow groundwater and precipitation-soil wa-ter in the loess gully area was explored.The results showed that during the 20230423 period,the precipi-tation was 70.0 mm,the precipitation and surface water recharged shallow groundwater on the basin scale,with ratios of 27.62%and 72.38%,respectively.In the presence of dam land,the recharge rate of pre-cipitation to shallow groundwater increased by 31.90%in the process of water transmission from surface water to shallow groundwater.The evaporation loss during the transmission process of surface water to shal-low groundwater was 1%-13%,which increased with the increase of the transmission distance.The deep soil water of the dam land was more susceptible to precipitation recharge than that of the terraced fields.The vertical recharge rate of soil water from 0-60 cm to 60-100 cm soil layer in dam land(48.11%)was less than that of soil water from 0-40 cm to 40-100 cm soil layer in terraced fields(55.11%).This study can shed some light on the impact of ecological construction and management on the hydrologi-cal process of the basin and the protection of the regional ecological environment in the Loess Plateau.


西安理工大学省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,陕西西安 710048西安理工大学省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,陕西西安 710048||旱区生态水文与灾害防治国家林业局重点实验室,陕西西安 710048



recharge and transformation of water bodysevent precipitationhydrogen and oxygen iso-topesprecipitation recharge rateloess region

《水资源与水工程学报》 2024 (004)

76-82,91 / 8


