

Development and application of automatic welding system for D1219 mm pipeline in mountain area


针对长输管道山地自动焊施工技术难题,研制了D1219 mm柔性内焊机、热煨弯管坡口机、吊管机、焊接工程车等山地系统焊接施工装备;同时试制加长型热煨弯管,满足了热煨弯管与直管自动焊和AUT检测要求.在水平0°和斜30°位置,钢级L555M,D1219 mm×18.4 mm直管与D1219 mm×22 mm加长型热煨弯管组对后,采用山地柔性内焊机、双焊炬自动焊机进行了自动焊工艺试验,无损检测、力学性能试验结果均合格.山地柔性内焊机在川气出川二线山区段进行了工业化应用,实现了从山底到山顶、通过加长型热煨弯管、再从山顶到山底的不留断点连续自动焊的施工.

In view of the technical problems of automatic welding construction of long-distance pipeline in mountainous area,the mountain system welding construction equipment such as D1219 mm flexible internal welding machine,hot bent pipe bevel machine,pipe lifting machine and welding engineering truck were developed.At the same time,the lengthened hot bent pipe was successfully produced,which meets the requirements of automatic welding of the hot bent pipe and straight pipe and AUT detection.At horizontal 0°and tilted 30°,L555M,D1219 mm×18.4 mm straight pipe was assembled with D1219 mm×22 mm extended hot bent pipe and automatic welding process test was carried out using mountain flexible internal welding machine and double torch welding machine,and both the non-destructive testing and mechanical properties test results were qualified.The mountain flexible internal welding machine has been applied industrially in the second line of"Sichuan Gas Out of Sichuan"Project,realizing continuous automatic welding without break points from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain through the extended hot bent pipe,and then from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.


中国石油管道局工程有限公司,河北廊坊 065000



long-distance pipelinemountain flexible internal welding machineextended type heat bent pipeautomatic weldingindustrial application

《压力容器》 2024 (006)

36-42 / 7

