

Expert Consensus on the Rational Use for Inhaled Medicines Administrated by Nebulizers(2024 Edition)


雾化吸入疗法是一种以呼吸道和肺为靶器官的直接给药方法,是呼吸系统疾病的重要治疗手段.近年来中国呼吸道疾病高发,基层医疗机构雾化及居家雾化治疗普及率显著提高,雾化吸入疗法规范应用和合理用药面临的有关问题亟待解决.为此,由中华医学会临床药学分会牵头,与中国医药教育协会药事管理专业委员会、临床合理用药专业委员会共同组织编写了《雾化吸入疗法合理用药专家共识(2024 版)》.该共识详细介绍了雾化吸入疗法的给药特点、安全性和有效性、用药指征、应用流程、药学监护,以及常用小容量雾化装置的选择、新上市的雾化吸入药物、常见呼吸系统疾病雾化吸入疗法推荐给药方案等,旨在为各级医疗机构医务工作者规范开展雾化吸入治疗和合理用药提供专业参考.

Nebulization therapy is a direct drug administration process that turns liquid medications into mist that can be inhaled into the lungs and respiratory tract and is an important strategy for various respiratory problems and diseases.In recent years,there has been a high prevalence of respiratory diseases in China,so the popularity of nebulization at home and at basic-level hospitals has increased significantly.Therefore,the standardized application and rational administration of nebulization therapy should be concerned seriously.Led by the Chinese Medical Association Clinical Pharmacy Branch,the updating work of the Expert Consensus on the Rational Use for Inhaled Medicines Administrated by Nebulizers(2024 Edition)was carried out jointly by Chinese Medical Education Association Pharmacy Administration Professional Committee and Clinical Rational Drug Use Professional Committee.This consensus comprehensively introduces the drug delivery characteristics,safety and effectiveness,medication indications,application process and pharmaceutical care of nebulization therapy,the selection of small-volume nebulizers,new drugs for nebulized inhalation,recommended dosing regimens for respiratory diseases,etc.It aims to offer professional guidance for all healthcare providers of standardized nebulization therapy and rational administration.




Nebulization therapyRational administrationPharmaceutical careMultidisciplinary collaborationExpert consensus

《医药导报》 2024 (009)

1355-1368 / 14

