

Analysis and Discussion on the Experience of Treating Morvan Syndrome Based on Neifeng Theory


莫旺综合征是症状复杂的临床罕见病,多以肢体震颤、肌肉抽搐、痉挛性疼痛或无力、大量出汗、严重便秘、失眠、甚至精神错乱等为主要症状.宋恩峰教授认为莫旺综合征根据临床症状可诊断为"颤证""不寐""便秘""汗证"等中医病名.该病本虚标实,五脏功能虚损为本,内风见症为标.主要病机为肝肾阴虚,肝风内动,临床证型可分为阴虚生风、津亏生风、痰热动风、瘀血络阻生风、心肾不交生风等5 种证型.该病主要病位在肝、肾,与脾、心、肺相关.治疗上以滋养肝肾、平肝熄风,佐以滋阴增液、生津清热化痰、活血化瘀、交通心肾等药物.临床四诊合参,标本兼治,收获良效.附验案一则.

Morvan syndrome is a rare clinical disease with complex symptoms,mainly characterized by limb tremors,muscle twitching,spasmodic pain or weakness,excessive sweating,severe constipation,insomnia,and even mental confusion.Professor Song Enfeng believes that Morvan syndrome can be diagnosed as Chanzheng(tremor syndrome),Bumei(insomnia),Bianmi(constipation),Hanzheng(sweating syndrome),and other traditional Chinese medical names according to the clinical symptoms.The patients with this disease are deficient in Ben(primary aspect)and are attacked by disease in Biao(secondary aspect).In Ben(primary aspect),patients were deficient in the Five Zang organs and got Neifeng as the symptom in Biao(secondary aspect).The main pathogenesis is Yin deficiency of the liver and kidney and internal movement of the liver wind.Clinical patterns can be divided into five patterns:Yin deficiency generating wind,fluid deficiency generating wind,phlegm-heat dynamic wind,blood stasis and collateral obstruction wind,and heart-kidney disconnection generating wind,and the main location of the disease is in the liver and kidney,which is related to the spleen,heart,and lungs.Treatment is based on nourishing the liver and kidney,calming the liver,and extinguishing the wind,supplemented by nourishing the Yin and increasing the fluid,generating body fluids and clearing heat and phlegm,activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis,and communicating with the heart and kidneys.The four clinical diagnoses were combined to treat both the symptoms and the root cause of the disease;and good results were obtained.A representative case was analyzed and discussed.


湖北中医药大学中医临床学院,武汉 430065湖北中医药大学中医临床学院,武汉 430065||武汉大学人民医院中医科,武汉 430060



Morvan syndromeNeifengTraditional Chinese medicine(TCM)treatment based on syndrome differentiation

《医药导报》 2024 (009)

1381-1386 / 6


