

The influence of cervico-vaginal microbiota on cervical HPV infection and the development of lesions


子宫颈阴道微生态(cervico-vaginal microbi-ota,CVMB)在女性生殖健康方面发挥着至关重要的作用,密切参与了人乳头瘤病毒(human papillo-mavirus,HPV)持续感染、子宫颈上皮内瘤变和浸润性子宫颈癌发生的整个病理过程.文章系统阐述了子宫颈阴道微生态结构及分型与HPV感染及子宫颈病变的关系,重点关注CVMB中关键菌种与HPV感染和子宫颈病变发生的可能机制,指出CVMB失衡性阴道病也是重要的影响因素之一.同时,阐述了以CVMB为靶点促进HPV病毒清除干预的可能性,但目前相关临床研究相对较少,循证医学证据尚不足.未来仍需要更多更广泛的研究深入理解CVMB参与HPV感染和子宫颈病变的作用机制,阐明CVMB作为预测、诊断、治疗该疾病的潜力,为个性化精准诊疗提供理论依据,助力子宫颈癌防治.

Cervico-vaginal microbiota(CVMB)plays a crucial role in female reproductive health and is closely involved in the entire pathological process of persistent infection of human papillomavirus(HPV),cervical intraepithelial neoplasia,and invasive cervical cancer.This article provides a comprehensive review of the relationship between the structure and classifi-cation cervical-vaginal microbiota and HPV infection,as well as cervical lesions.It focuses on the possible mechanisms linking key bacterial species in CVMB to HPV infection and the development of cervical lesions.The vaginitis caused by imbalances of CVMB are also highlighted as a influencing factor.Additionally,the potential of interventions targeting CVMB for promote HPV virus clearance is discussed.However,there is currently a lack of strong medical evidence derived from clinical trials.Therefore,further well-designed studies are needed to comprehend the interaction mechanisms between CVMB and HPV infection and cervical lesions,as well as to elucidate the role of CVMB as a potential biomarker for predicting,diag-nosing,and treating HPV infection and related dis-eases.This will support personalized diagnosis and treatment,contributing to cervical cancer prevention and treatment.


北京大学深圳医院妇产中心,广东深圳 518000



cervico-vaginal microbiotahuman pap-illomavirus infectioncervical intraepithelial neopla-siacervical cancermicroecology intervention

《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》 2024 (007)

696-700 / 5


