

A study on the long-term care needs of community-dwelling seniors in Anhui Province:based on the automatic genera-tion model of care plans


目的 分析社区居家老年人的照护需求情况,以及不同能力等级老年人所需照护服务种类、时长的差异,为老年人的个性化照护服务提供依据和参考.方法 采用随机抽样方式,对安徽省5个地级市的5 133名社区居家老年人开展上门评估,失能等级的划分参照民政部《老年人能力评估规范》(GB/T 42195-2022).运用照护计划自动生成模型,为每位研究对象出具包含照护服务项目和时长的个性化照护计划.结果 研究纳入的老年人失能情况总体较轻,随着失能等级的上升,基础运动能力和自理能力2个维度的下降最为显著.照护计划自动生成模型所出具的照护计划建议中,社区居家老年人对医疗辅助和生活辅助的需求程度最高,但心理关怀需求也值得关注.此外,随着失能程度的加剧,老年人日常生活活动范围缩小,活动项目减少,因此如厕等最基本生活照护服务的时长占比显著提高,照护服务项目的集中度也越来越高.结论 老年人的照护需求随失能进展呈现一定的变化规律,照护计划自动生成模型能够为老年人提供个性化的服务计划,且科学性较好,未来值得推广应用.

Objective By analyzing the care needs of community-dwelling seniors,together with the differences in service types and duration required in different ability levels,this paper aims to offer insights for personalized care for the elderly.Methods Using random sampling,and a door-to-door assessment was conducted on 5 133 elderly residents living at home in 5 cities in Anhui Province.The classification of disability levels was set on the national standard"Ability Assessment Standards for the Elderly"(GB/T 42195-2022)of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.Personalized care plans in-cluding care service items and duration for each research subject were provided by automatic generation model.Results The overall disability situation of the seniors was relatively mild.As the level of disability increases,fundamental move-ment skills and self-care ability declined most significantly.The service plan showed that medical and life assistance were most demanding,but psychological care also needs additional attention.Next,as the degree of disability mounted,the scope and activities of daily living for the seniors decreased,resulting in a notable increase in the proportion of ba-sic life care services such as toileting,and a higher concentration of care services.Conclusions The care needs of the elderly show a certain pattern of change as disability progresses.The automatic generation model provides personalized service plans for the seniors,and deserves application in the future.


上海市卫生和健康发展研究中心(上海市医学科学技术情报研究所),上海 200031



long-term careneedautomatically generatedpersonalized services

《健康发展与政策研究》 2024 (002)

91-95 / 5


