

Application and prospect of pharmacoeconomic evaluation in China:a study based on internet survey


目的 对药物经济学评价在我国医药卫生领域的应用现状和未来发展进行调查分析.方法 基于文献综述和专家调查形成结构化问卷,内容覆盖药物经济学评价在研发、上市、定价、基本医疗保险(以下简称"医保")、医院、商业保险等领域的应用和前景,专业人员在不同用人单位的需求和发展情况.基于自愿匿名原则在相关从业人员微信群中进行问卷调查,对结果进行统计分析.结果 药物经济学评价在医保定价准入及调整工作中的应用和前景得分最高(满分为5分,医保定价准入中当前应用现状、重要性及未来应用前景得分分别为3.96分、4.17分和4.45分,续约调整得分分别为3.29分、3.52分和4.01分),在上市研发和医院遴选阶段得分中等,在临床合理使用和商业医保遴选准入中的得分最低.相应的,专业人员在专业咨询和医药企业需求较大(3.56分和3.39分),在专业咨询和科研机构发展较好(3.90分),而在医疗机构、金融及保险机构的需求和发展不够乐观.结论 我国药物经济学评价目前的应用和发展集中于医保定价准入工作,其在医疗和商业保险领域的应用尚不充分,其发展空间有待挖掘.

Objective To investigate and analyze the current situation and future perspectives of pharmacoeconomic evaluation in health care sector of China.Methods A structured questionnaire was created based on literature review and expert survey,covering the application and prospect of pharmacoeconomic evaluation in marketing research and development,listing,pricing,medical insurance,hospital,commercial insurance and other fields,as well as the needs and career development of professionals from different employers.Questionnaire survey was conducted in a WeChat group of relevant practitioners on condition of voluntary anonymity,and the results were statistically analyzed.Results The application and prospect of pharmacoeconomic evaluation in the pricing,access and adjustment of medical insurance has received the highest score(with 5 being the full score,the application level,importance and future prospect in the medical insurance pricing and access have received scores of 3.96,4.17 and 4.45 respectively,adjustment has received scores of 3.29,3.52 and 4.01 respectively).The scores in the stages of marketing research and development and hospital selection are average,and the scores in the rational clinical use and commercial insurance access are the lowest.Correspondingly,the demand of professionals is relatively high in professional consultation and pharmaceutical enterprises(with the scores of 3.56 and 3.39 respectively),good in professional consultation and scientific research institutes(with the score of 3.90),and not optimistic in medical institutions,commercial and insurance institutions.Conclusions The current application and development of pharmacoeconomic evaluation in China is centered on medical insurance pricing and access,and insufficient in hospitals and commercial insurance.And its development potentials need to be further explored.


北京大学医学部卫生政策与技术评估中心,北京 100191



pharmacoeconomicsdrug research and developmentmedical insurance pricing admissionclinical medicationquestionnaire investigation

《健康发展与政策研究》 2024 (002)

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