

Effects of health poverty alleviation in China:evidence from 832 counties lifted out of poverty and "three regions and three prefectures"


目的 评价我国健康扶贫效果,为实施乡村振兴战略提供数据支撑.方法 基于2009-2021年全国卫生资源与医疗服务统计调查数据,通过间断时间序列方法,分析健康扶贫政策实施前后全国832个脱贫县和"三区三州"地区医疗卫生资源、医疗卫生机构收入、居民医疗卫生服务利用和居民就医负担变化情况.结果 健康扶贫政策实施后,脱贫县和"三区三州"卫生技术人员数、执业(助理)医师数、注册护士数、万元以上设备台数、医疗卫生机构总收入和财政拨款收入增长速度提高,次均门诊费用增长速度下降.同时,脱贫县总诊疗人次数、出院人次数增长速度下降,"三区三州"出院人次数增长速度提高.结论 健康扶贫政策实施后,我国脱贫地区卫生健康系统得到有效加强,居民医疗卫生服务利用水平提高,居民就医负担有所缓解,医疗卫生服务可及性显著提高.建议继续保持政策的稳定性及其与乡村振兴、健康中国行动的有效衔接,重点关注脱贫地区卫生健康人力资源不足的破解之策.

Objective To evaluate the effects of health poverty alleviation in China and provide data support for the implementation of China's rural revitalization strategy.Method According to the National Statistical Survey Data on Health Resources and Medical Services from 2009 to 2021,this paper analyzed the changes of health resources,income of medical healthcare institutions,healthcare utilization and medical burden of residents in 832 counties lifted out of poverty and from"three regions and three prefectures"before and after implementation of the health poverty alleviation policy using the method of interrupted time series.Results After implementation of the health poverty alleviation policy,the growth rate of health technical personnel,practicing(assistant)physicians,registered nurses,equipment over CNY 10,000,total income and fiscal appropriation income of medical institutions increased significantly.And the growth rate of medical expense per visit in the 832 counties lifted out of poverty and"three regions and three prefectures".In parallel,the growth rate of the total number of outpatient visits and the number of discharged patients in the counties lifted out of poverty decreased.However,the number of discharged patients in"three regions and three prefectures"increased.Conclusions After implementation of the health poverty alleviation,healthcare systems in areas lifted out of poverty have been effectively strengthened,the healthcare utilization has been improved,the medical burden of residents has been relieved,and the accessibility of medical services has been remarkably improved.It is suggested to maintain the stability of the policy and bridge the rural revitalization and Healthy China Initiative,focusing on measures to tackle the insufficient health human resources in areas lifted out of poverty.


国家卫生健康委统计信息中心,北京 100044武汉大学政治与公共管理学院,湖北 武汉 430072



health poverty alleviationcounties lifted out of povertythree regions and three prefectures

《健康发展与政策研究》 2024 (002)

136-141 / 6

