首页|期刊导航|电瓷避雷器|±550 kV直流GIS多柱并联避雷器螺旋结构自生电感均流特性研究

±550 kV直流GIS多柱并联避雷器螺旋结构自生电感均流特性研究OA

Current Sharing Characteristics of Self-Generated Inductance of Spiral Structure of±550 kV DC GIS Multi-Column Parallel Arrester


为解决±550 kV直流GIS避雷器多柱并联吸能时的电流分流不均难题,提出一种氧化锌电阻片螺旋排布结构的多柱并联避雷器.螺旋排布的氧化锌电阻片不仅能有效缩短避雷器长度,从而降低海上平台振动对直流GIS避雷器的应力冲击;同时螺旋结构电阻片自生电感可以在多柱并联吸能时降低各柱电流分布的不均匀性.本研究首先设计了±550 kV直流GIS多柱并联避雷器螺旋结构参数,并建立避雷器多物理场仿真模型,计算了氧化锌电阻片螺旋排布结构下的自生电感.进一步研究了自生电感对多柱并联避雷器吸收能量时电流分布的影响规律.研究结果表明,±550 kV直流GIS避雷器单柱芯体螺旋结构自生电感为4.6 μH,可以将避雷器多柱并联吸能时各柱电流的偏差系数降低20%~65%,验证了多柱并联避雷器螺旋结构电阻片自生电感均流的有效性.

In order to solve the problem of uneven current distribution in multi-column parallel energy ab-sorption of±550 kV DC GIS arrester,a multi-column parallel arrester with spiral arrangement structure of zinc oxide resistor is proposed.The spiral arrangement of zinc oxide resistors can not only effectively shorten the length of arrester,but also reduce the stress impact of offshore platform vibration on DC GIS arrester.At the same time,the self-generated inductance of the spiral structure resistor can reduce the non-uniformity of the current distribution of each column when the multi-column parallel energy absorp-tion.Firstly,the spiral structure parameters of±550 kV DC GIS multi-column parallel arrester are de-signed,and the multi-physical field simulation model of the arrester is established.The self-generated in-ductance under the spiral arrangement structure of zinc oxide resistors is calculated.The influence of self-generated inductance on the current distribution when the multi-column parallel arrester absorbs energy is further studied.The research results show that the self-generated inductance of the single-column core spiral structure of the±550 kV DC GIS arrester is 4.6 μH,which can reduce the deviation coefficient of the current of each column when the multi-column parallel energy absorption of the arrester is reduced by 20%~65%,which verifies the effectiveness of the self-generated inductance current sharing of the multi-column parallel arrester spiral structure resistor.


西安交通大学,西安 710049


DC GIS arresterspiral structureparallel current sharingmulti-physics simulation

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (004)

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国家重点研发计划(编号:2021YFB2400604).Project supported by National Key R&D Program of China(No.2021YFB2400604).

