

Cross Domain Authentication Scheme for Electric Vehicles Based on Consortium Blockchain and Edge Computing


电动汽车到电网(vehicle-to-grid,V2G)技术实现电动汽车和电网之间的双向能量流动,而成功实施的主要瓶颈之一在于电动汽车用户和服务运营商之间的安全通信.恶意攻击者会通过伪造合法电动汽车用户的信息来获取经济利益和破坏计费过程.因此,实现电动汽车用户与服务运营商之间的快速认证是十分必要的.但是不同的充电服务运营商之间存在显著的隔离,形成多个信任域.针对以上问题,文章提出一种 V2G 中基于联盟链和边缘计算的电动汽车跨域认证方案,以联盟链技术实现对不同运营商下信任域的链接,保证用户在不同运营商之间能实现快速身份认证.并在理论上证明该方案具有机密性、不可伪造性和用户的隐私性.

Vehicle to grid(V2G)technology enables bidirectional energy flow between electric vehicles and the grid.One of the main bottlenecks in the successful implementation of V2G technology is the secure communication between electric vehicle users and service operators.Malicious attackers can obtain economic benefits and disrupt the billing process by forging the information of legitimate electric vehicle users.Therefore,it is necessary to achieve rapid authentication between electric vehicle users and service operators.However,there is significant isolation between different charging service operators,forming multiple trust domains.To solve the above problems,this paper proposes a cross domain authentication scheme for electric vehicles based on consortium blockchain and edge computing in V2G,which uses consortium blockchain technology to link trust domains of different operators to ensure that users can achieve rapid identity authentication between different operators.And it has been theoretically proven that this scheme has confidentiality,unforgeability,and user privacy.


国网湖南省电力有限公司 株洲供电分公司,湖南省 株洲市 412000



consortium blockchainedge computingV2Gelectric vehiclestrust domainscross domain authentication

《电力信息与通信技术》 2024 (008)

45-55 / 11

