首页|期刊导航|地质学报(英文版)|Genesis of the Jianbeigou Gold Deposit on the Southern Margin of the North China Craton:Insights from Fluid Inclusions,H-O-S Isotopes,and Pyrite in situ Trace Element Analyses

Genesis of the Jianbeigou Gold Deposit on the Southern Margin of the North China Craton:Insights from Fluid Inclusions,H-O-S Isotopes,and Pyrite in situ Trace Element AnalysesOACSTPCD

Genesis of the Jianbeigou Gold Deposit on the Southern Margin of the North China Craton:Insights from Fluid Inclusions,H-O-S Isotopes,and Pyrite in situ Trace Element Analyses


The Jianbeigou gold deposit is a typical lode gold deposit in the Qinling metallogenic belt,located on the southern margin of the North China Craton.Three stages of the hydrothermal process can be distinguished,including the quartz±pyrite,quartz-polymetallic sulfide,and quartz-carbonate±pyrite stages.From the early to late stages,the homogenization temperatures of primary fluid inclusions are 281-362℃,227-331℃,and 149-261℃,respectively.The corresponding salinities estimated for these fluids are 3.9-9.9 wt%,0.4-9.4 wt%,and 0.7-7.2 wt%NaCl equiv.Combined with laser Raman spectroscopy data,the ore-forming fluid belongs to a H2O-CO2-NaCl±CH4 system with medium-low temperature and salinity.The δ18Ofluid and δD values for the quartz veins are-1.0‰ to 6.0‰ and-105‰ to-84‰,respectively,which indicates that the ore-forming fluid is of mixed source,mainly derived from magma,with a contribution from meteoric water.Pyrite has been identified into three generations based on mineral paragenetic sequencing,including Py1,Py2,and Py3.The pyrites have δ34S sulfur isotopic compositions from three stages between 3.7‰ and 8.4‰,indicating that sulfur mainly originated from magma.Te,Bi,Sb,and Cu contents in pyrite were all high and showed a strong correlation with Au concentrations.Native gold and the Au-Ag-Bi telluride minerals were formed concurrently,and the As concentration was low and decoupled from the Au content.Therefore,Te,Bi,Sb and other low-melting point chalcophile elements play an important role for gold mineralization in arsenic-deficient ore-forming fluid.Combined with the geological setting,evolution of pyrite,and ore-fluids geochemistry,we propose that the Jianbeigou deposit can be classified as a magmatic-hydrothermal lode gold deposit.Gold mineralization on the southern margin of the North China Craton is related to Early Cretaceous magmatism and formed in an extensional setting.

LI Fengchun;ZENG Qingdong;ZHU Rixiang;CHU Shaoxiong;XIE Wei;YU Bing;WU Jinjian;LI Xinghui

Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China||Innovation Academy for Earth Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China||College of Earth and Planetary Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,ChinaInnovation Academy for Earth Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China||College of Earth and Planetary Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China||State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,ChinaKey Laboratory of Mineral Resources,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China||Innovation Academy for Earth Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,ChinaSchool of Earth Science and Engineering,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan,Hebei 056038,ChinaState Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China

ore genesisH-O-S isotopesfluid inclusionsin-situ trace elementJianbeigou gold deposit

《地质学报(英文版)》 2024 (004)

969-991 / 23

This work was jointed supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2021YFC2901704),and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41930430)and the State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution,IGGCAS(Grant No.SKL-Z201905).We are grateful to the staff of Lushi Zhongke Mining Co.,Ltd.and Jianbeigou Gold Mine for their invaluable assistance and support throughout our fieldwork.

