

Exploration and practice of teaching system of materials mechanics under the background of emerging engineering education


新工科背景下,工科专业的培养目标和方式不断发生变革,高校肩负着培养高素质复合型新工科人才的使命,课程成为教学改革的重要落脚点.材料力学作为工科专业的基础课程,在培养创新型工程技术人才方面具有重要意义,其课程教学改革势在必行.教学团队分析了材料力学课程的教学现状,针对课程强理论性、逻辑性、工程实践性等特征,课程教学中存在的教学内容枯燥、推导过程抽象、评价体系生硬等问题,以OBE(Outcome Based Education)理念为基础,充分利用信息化资源优势,在课程教学内容、讲授方式、考核方式等方面进行了创新探索,提出了"Interest+Understand+Application"的创新教学体系(简称为"IUA"创新教学体系),旨在提升学生学习兴趣、深化学生内容理解、强化学生知识应用.东南大学土木交通大类专业对该教学体系进行了实践,包括引入工程案例、利用校内及在线资源丰富课堂形式、改进课程评价方式等.通过评估学生课堂满意度调查、学生知识掌握能力、学生课外实践成果等,证明了该教学体系改革成效显著.

Under the background of emerging engineering education,the training objectives and methods of engineering majors are constantly changing.Colleges and universities are entrusted with the mission of cultivating high-quality compound emerging engineering education talents.Curriculum becomes an important foothold of teaching reform.Material mechanics,serving as a foundational course within engineering disciplines,plays a pivotal role in the cultivation of innovative engineering professionals,and it is imperative to reform the course teaching.The teaching team analyzes the current teaching situation of materials mechanics,such as deeper theory,logic and engineering practice of the course itself,as well as problems existing in the course teaching such as uninspiring content,incomprehensible derivation process and rigid evaluation system.Based on the concept of outcome based education(OBE),the teaching team leverages the wealth of informational resources to explore the course content,teaching methods and assessment methods,and proposes the innovative teaching system of interest+understand+application(IUA).This system is designed to amplify student engagement,enrich comprehension of the material,and bolster the application of theoretical knowledge in practical contexts.The teaching of civil engineering and transportation in Southeast University is used as an example for practical research,by introducing engineering cases,enriching the classroom form by using internal and network resources and improving the course evaluation method.The effectiveness of the reform is tested through the survey of students'classroom satisfaction,students'knowledge mastery ability,and students' extracurricular practice results.


东南大学 交通学院,江苏 南京 211189东南大学 土木工程学院,江苏 南京 211189



material mechanicscourse teachingcourse evaluationteaching system

《高等建筑教育》 2024 (004)

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