

Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation Study on Pressurized Tunnel of a New Ecological Hydropower Station


为研究已建泄洪洞与新建发电洞连接处岔洞内水流流态、流速及压强等水力特性,采用数值模拟的方法,针对泄洪洞与发电洞局部区域开展三维数值计算,复核工程设计合理性.研究表明,发电工况时岔洞内存在水流流速差和压差,左侧洞室顺水流左侧出现涡旋情况;泄洪工况时,中墩首端迎水面动水压强最大,背水面静水压强出现负压情况.连接处岔洞内水流情况复杂,提取的断面受压应力最大值为0.15 MPa、受拉应力最大值为0.12 MPa均小于混凝土抗压、抗拉强度设计值.研究成果可为同类工程设计提供参考.

In order to study the hydraulic characteristics of water flow pattern,velocity and pressure in the tunnel intersection of the built flood discharging tunnel and new power tunnel,numerical simulation is adopted to carry out three-dimensional numerical calculation for the area to check the reasonableness of the engineering design.The results of the study found that there are water flow velocity difference and pressure difference in the intersection during the power generation condition,and there is a vortex on the left side of the left chamber along with the water flow;during the flood discharge,the dynamic water pressure on the water surface at the first end of the middle pier is the largest,and the hydrostatic pressure on the water surface of the back surface has a negative pressure situation.The water flow in the connecting forks is complicated,and the maximum value of the extracted section compressive stress is 0.15 MPa,and the maximum value of tensile stress is-0.12 MPa,which are smaller than the design value.The research results can provide reference for the same engineering design.


新疆水利水电勘测设计研究院有限责任公司,乌鲁木齐 830000



numerical simulationpressurized tunnelpower tunnelhydraulic characteristics

《广东水利水电》 2024 (008)

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