

Simulation Analysis of Self-weight Collapsible Loess Foundation Aqueduct


南吴渡槽位于山西省北赵灌区黄土台塬上,地形切割强烈呈"V"字型,且为强烈湿陷性黄土,边坡极易垮塌.结合地貌特征、地质条件,经对比分析选择了上乘拱式渡槽+灌注桩基础结构形式,通过结构静力学方法拟定结构尺寸,采用 MIDAS有限元软件静动力仿真分析,经两种方法相互校对,结构设计安全,可靠性更高;提前拟定结构尺寸,可以在保证有限元计算精度的前提下,提高前处理和计算分析的计算效率.该设计方法可对类似渡槽工程设计提供借鉴.

The Nanwu Ferry is located on the loess plateau in Beizhao Irrigation District,Shanxi Prov-ince.The terrain is strongly cutina"V"shape and is characterized by strong collapsible loess,with slopes prone to collapse.Based on the characteristics of the terrain and geological conditions,a superior arch type aqueduct+cast-in-place pile foundation structure was selected through comparative analy-sis.By using structural statics methods to determine structural dimensions,and then using MIDAS fi-nite element software for static and dynamic simulation analysis,the two methods are mutually verified,resulting in higher safety and reliability in structural design.Preplanning the structural dimensions can improve the computational efficiency of pre-processing and analysis while ensuring the accuracy of finite element calculations.This design method provides reference significance for similar aqueduct engineer-ing designs.


中水北方勘测设计研究有限责任公司,天津 300000北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司,北京 100045



loess plateaustrong collapsible loessa superior arch type aqueductcast-in-place pileMIDAS

《广东水利水电》 2024 (008)

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