

Agile organizational reform and inspiration of international major oil companies



Agile organization is an advanced form of enterprise organization from the closed to the open,belonging to the organization form of customer value and stakeholder value,whose characteristics include building distributed value creation mode,establishing empowered teams,forming rapid decision-making and learning cycle mode,activating employees,and accelerating technology iteration.The traditional organization and management model of oil companies can no longer adapt to the complex and changing environment,the synergistic development of diversified businesses,and the change of customer demand-oriented value creation model,etc.,and the rapid,agile,and efficient form of organization become crucial.bp's"division business+integrated management"model and ExxonMobil's"low structural cost"model have become the most important.bp's"low structural cost"model and ExxonMobil's"low structural cost"model are the positive explorations of the change to an agile organization.The traditional linear and functional management models of Chinese oil companies can no longer meet the new development requirements,and it is necessary to carry out agile change of the enterprise organization system from the management concept to practices including establishing an agile organization management concept,accelerating the agile organization reform,and strengthening the cultivation of agile leadership.




international major oil companythe organizational form of an enterpriseorganizational structureagile organizationsdivisional organization

《国际石油经济》 2024 (006)

19-25 / 7
