

Development characteristics of domestic and foreign biofuel industry and implications for China



The global biofuel industry has such characteristics as its growth relying on the policy-driven,a large space for future growth,a bottleneck in the supply of raw materials,the development of the biofuel industry in each country depending on its policies and resource endowment,and the constant target of the implementation of trade protection policies,in particular,the European Union is carrying out an anti-dumping investigation on China's biodiesel industry.Although China has made some progress in promoting ethanol fuel and has established a certain production capacity for biodiesel and sustainable aviation fuel,it is characterized by small average scale,scattered distribution,and high compliance risk.There is a very limited domestic demand for biodiesel and sustainable aviation fuel in China and the biofuel industry is in a vulnerable position in the face of foreign anti-dumping and other trade protection measures.The collection of used cooking oil in China has great potential,which can provide resources for the development of biodiesel and sustainable aviation fuel industries in the future.It is suggested that China should formulate relevant policies,moderately expand the scope of mandatory addition of biodiesel,mandatorily add sustainable aviation fuels,introduce policies to ensure standardized development of the industry,and realize recycling of used cooking oil resources at the same time.




biofuelsindustry developmentcarbon emission reductionanti-dumpingused cooking oilcarbon peaking and carbon neutrality

《国际石油经济》 2024 (006)

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