

Study on the development trend of re-electrification transition in the oil and gas industry



With the proposal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality,China's energy industry enters a new stage of accelerated green and low-carbon transition.Re-electrification of end-use energy,as an important aspect in the clean and low-carbon development of energy,has shown an accelerated evolutionary development trend,and will play a more critical role in the process of energy transition.The current rate of electrification in the oil and gas industry is far below the average level of the industrial sector.The potential for future development is greater,but there are still such problems need overcoming as power shortages,a poor economy,immature technology,and inadequate support policies.It is necessary to accelerate such six major projects as the promotion of energy saving and efficiency improvement,technological innovation,equipment upgrading,power grid transition,industrial cooperation,and support guarantee to help accelerate the process of clean and low-carbon development of the oil and gas industry.




oil and gas industryend-use energyre-electrification

《国际石油经济》 2024 (007)

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