

Soil pH,organic matter,medium and micro nutrients and com-prehensive fertility evaluation of tea gardens in Pu'er City


[目的]采用土壤肥力综合评价指数法对普洱市茶园土壤pH、有机质和中微量元素含量进行综合评价,为普洱市茶园土壤养分管理和茶叶品质提升提供科学指导.[方法]采集普洱市4个典型茶叶种植区的40个茶园土壤样品,测定土壤pH、有机质及中微量元素(钙、镁、铁、锰、铜、锌)有效含量,采用隶属度函数模型计算土壤肥力综合指数,综合评价普洱市茶园土壤养分特征和肥力质量.[结果]普洱市茶园土壤总体呈酸性,pH为4.0~5.8,平均值为4.8.土壤有机质、有效钙、有效镁、有效铁、有效锰、有效铜和有效锌含量为4.9~41.6 g/kg、87.7~2351.9 mg/kg、56.9~272.2 mg/kg、40.3~107.3 mg/kg、2.8~64.8 mg/kg、0.3~2.9 mg/kg和0.5~5.2 mg/kg,平均值为23.4 g/kg、853.8 mg/kg、134.5 mg/kg、77.8 mg/kg、38.3 mg/kg、1.2 mg/kg和2.7 mg/kg,平均含量均达适宜水平,但不同茶园空间分布差异较大.其中,95.0%茶园表层土壤有机质含量、55.0%茶园土壤有效钙含量、62.5%茶园土壤有效镁含量达适宜及以上水平,95.0%以上茶园土壤的微量元素有效铁、有效锰、有效铜和有效锌含量适宜茶树生长.茶园土壤肥力综合指数为0.59~1.00,平均值为0.83,土壤营养状况总体较好.土壤肥力综合指数与有机质、有效镁、有效锰、有效铜和有效锌含量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01).[结论]普洱市茶园土壤pH、有机质含量适宜高产优质茶树种植,针对土壤有效钙和有效镁等中量元素含量不足,铁、锰、铜、锌等微量元素含量过高及养分空间分布不均衡现状,需进行优化施肥和科学精准施肥,适当控制微量元素投入,加强茶园土壤测土配方工作,以维持普洱市茶园的高产优质生产.

[Objective]The comprehensive evaluation index method of soil fertility was used to evaluate the soil pH,organic matter and content of medium and micro nutrients of tea gardens in Pu'er City,so as to provide scientific guidance for the management of soil nutrient and the enhancement of tea quality in the region.[Method]A total of 40 representative soil samples were collected from 4 typical tea planting areas in Pu'er City.Soil pH,organic matter and the available con-tents of medium and micro nutrients(calcium,magnesium,iron,manganese,copper and zinc)were determined.The membership function model was used to calculate the integrated fertility index(IFI),and a comprehensive evaluation of the soil nutrient characteristics and the quality of soil fertility in the tea gardens in Pu'er City was carried out.[Result]Soil of tea gardens in Pu'er City was generally acidic,with pH varying from 4.0 to 5.8,and the average value was 4.8.The contents of soil organic matter,available calcium,available magnesium,available iron,available manganese,availa-ble copper and available zinc were 4.9-41.6 g/kg,87.7-2351.9 mg/kg,56.9-272.2 mg/kg,40.3-107.3 mg/kg,2.8-64.8 mg/kg,0.3-2.9 mg/kg,and 0.5-5.2 mg/kg,with averages of 23.4 g/kg,853.8 mg/kg,134.5 mg/kg,77.8 mg/kg,38.3 mg/kg,1.2 mg/kg and 2.7 mg/kg,respectively.The average contents of these nutrients have reached the suitable levels,but there were large spatial variations among different tea gardens.Among them,95.0%of organic matter in surface soil of tea gardens,55.0%of available calcium content in tea gardens and 62.5%of available magnesium content in tea gardens reached suitable levels and above,and more than 95%of soil in tea gardens had suitable contents of available iron,availa-ble magnesium,available copper and available zinc for tea tree growth.The IFI ranged from 0.59 to 1.00,with an avera-ge of 0.83,indicating that the overall soil nutrient status was generally fine.The IFI was extremely significantly positively correlated with organic matter,available magnesium,available manganese,available copper and available zinc(P<0.01).[Conclusion]The soil pH and organic content of tea gardens in Pu'er City are suitable for the cultivation of high-yield and high-quality tea trees.However,the current situation is that there are deficiencies in medium nutrients,including availa-ble calcium and available magnesium,excessive levels of micro nutrients such as iron,manganese,copper,zinc,and unbalanced spatial distribution of nutrients.Therefore,it is necessary to optimize fertilization and implement scientific and precise fertilization practices,appropriately control inputs of micro nutrients,and strengthen soil testing and formu-lated fertilization in tea gardens,so as to maintain high-yield and high-quality production in tea gardens in Pu'er City.


云南开放大学乡村振兴教育学院,云南昆明 650101||云南云天化现代农业发展有限公司,云南晋宁 650600||云南农业大学资源与环境学院,云南昆明 650201云南云天化现代农业发展有限公司,云南晋宁 650600云南农业大学资源与环境学院,云南昆明 650201云南云天化股份有限公司,云南昆明 650228



tea garden soilorganic matterpHmedium and micro elementsintegrated fertility indexPu'er City

《南方农业学报》 2024 (006)

1628-1638 / 11

National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFD1901503-5);Yunnan Ma-jor Science and Technology Special Project(202102AE090098);Yunnan Science and Technology Plan Project(202204BK090749);Scientific Research Fund Project of Yunnan Department of Education(2024J0753) 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFD1901503-5);云南省重大科技专项(202102AE090098);云南省科技计划项目(202204BK090749);云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目(2024J0753)

