

Exploring the application and progress of immune checkpoint therapy in prostate cancer based on the tumor microenvironment



Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men,and the tumor microenvironment(TME)of prostate cancer patients usually features immunosuppressive properties,including impaired T-cell function,infiltration of immunosuppres-sive cells,and overexpression of immune checkpoints.Therefore,improvement in the TME is crucial for enhancing the effective-ness of immunotherapy.Therapy plans best suited to individual patients can be determined through immune monitoring,genomic analysis,and assessment of TME characteristics.However,due to significant differences between individual patients,personal-ized treatment strategies become particularly important.This review delves into the immunotherapy of prostate cancer,especially the intervention and individualized treatment strategies for TME,as well as the multilevel therapeutic combinations.It aims to pro-vide new therapeutic ideas and methods for prostate cancer patients so as to improve their survival rate and quality of life,and to provide a strong theoretical basis for the treatment of this common cancer.


海南医科大学临床学院,海南 海口 571199||海南医科大学附属海南医院泌尿外科,海南 海口 570000海南医科大学附属海南医院泌尿外科,海南 海口 570000



Prostate cancerImmune checkpoint therapyTumor microenvironment

《海南医学院学报》 2024 (016)

1266-1270 / 5

This study was supported by Scientific Research Project Funded by Hainan Provincial Department of Science and Technology(ZDYF2021SHFZ096) 海南省科学技术厅资助的科研项目(ZDYF2021SHFZ096)

