

Construction of Evaluation Index System Based on the Functional Dependency Network Analysis



The Evaluation Index System is a conceptual model established by users to solve evalu-ation problems,which directly reflects the needs of military training evaluation in combat effectiveness evaluation.Therefore,constructing a systematic and representative combat evaluation index system is of great significance for the evaluation of combat capability.Based on the actual situation of military re-quirements and evaluation index construction of military operations.From the military requirements for military operations and practical conditions of the constructed evaluation indexes,the theory of func-tional dependency network is introduced to improve the evaluation index system structurally.The evalu-ation index system of traditional tree structure is improved into a network structure.The requirements for the requirements for the independences of evaluation indexes are weankened and the fault tolerance between nodes are increased.The constraint relationship among evaluation indexes can be better re-flected,the effective,measured and coordinative evaluation index system can be achieved and the com-prehensive,dynamic and accurate evaluation and real-time feedback of training process and results can be performed and the effect of exercise training can be really brought into play.


北方自动控制技术研究所,太原 030006驻太原地区第二军代室,太原 030006



functional dependency networkevaluation index systemtraining evaluationcombat effectiveness evaluation

《火力与指挥控制》 2024 (007)

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