

Wide-Band Folded-Reflective Aerial Camera


为了在 15000 m平流层实现对地全天候观测,满足工作波段 470~1500 nm对地分辨率达到0.1 m的要求,设计了一种长焦距折反式高分辨率CCD航空相机.通过使用H-ZK7 与ZF6 搭配,对长焦距和大孔径产生的二次光谱进行校正,倍率色差控满足设计要求.通过对光学系统热分析,分析出系统在不同高度下温度变化对成像质量的变化曲线.探测器采用徕卡公司M9全画幅CCD探测器,其单像元为 8 μm,靶面尺寸为 48 mm×36 mm;系统在 100 lp/mm时达到衍射极限,满足系统成像要求.

To achieve all-weather observations in the 15000 m stratosphere and meet the ground resolution of 470-1500 nm,a long-forward charge-coupled device(CCD)aerial camera was proposed.By correcting the secondary spectra generated by the long focal length and large aperture using H-ZK 7 with ZF6,the rate color difference control meets the design requirements.The temperature curve of the system at different heights was analyzed via thermal analysis of the optical system.The detector adopted a full-frame CCD detector with a single image element of 8 μm and a target surface size of 48 mm×36 mm;the system reached the diffraction limit at 100 lp/mm,fulfilling the imaging requirements of the system.


中国科学院成都光电技术研究所,四川 成都 610200||中国科学院光束控制重点实验室,四川 成都 610200吉林东光集团有限公司,吉林 长春 130033江苏北方湖光光电有限公司,江苏 无锡 214028



optical system designCCD high resolutionsecondary spectrumfolded-reflective structurewide band

《红外技术》 2024 (008)

864-871 / 8
