

A comprehensive technical method for locating and predicting concealed ore bodies of hydrothermal vein-type fluorite deposits



Fluorite is a crucial material for the development of national strategic emerging industries. It is considered one of the critical minerals by the international community. Research on the positioning and prediction of hidden ore bodies is urgently needed as the discovery of fluorite outcrops has been exhausted. This paper provides a brief discussion on fracture-controlled vein-type fluorite deposits,including their nature,vertical zoning pattern and ore-forming processes. We also review the prospecting techniques commonly used in exploring vein-type fluorite deposits. By combining prospecting indicators and ore-controlling factors,we have developed a prospecting mod-el for locating and predicting hidden and semi-hidden fluorite ore bodies. We have identified two types of hidden fluorite ore bodies:"zoned" and "buried",and have proposed corresponding prospecting techniques and methods.This study established a four-step prospecting model and exploration technical flow for predicting the location of concealed fluorite ore bodies using geological,geophysical,geochemical,and remote sensing methods. The re-search is significant for guiding ore prospecting and exploration of concealed hydrothermal vein-type fluorite veins.


中国地质大学(北京)深时数字地球前沿科学中心,北京 100083成都理工大学地球与行星科学学院,四川成都 610059西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院,四川成都 610500西南交通大学地球科学与工程学院,四川成都 611756中国地质调查局西安矿产资源调查中心,陕西西安 710100中钢矿业开发有限公司,北京 100083四川省地质矿产勘查开发局区域地质调查队,四川成都 610213



hydrothermal vein-typeconcealed ore bodiesore prospecting modelcritical mineralfluorite deposit

《矿床地质》 2024 (004)

785-801 / 17


