

Geological characteristics,ore-controlling structures and ore genesis of Qukulekedong Au-Sb deposit,East Kunlun Orogen


新疆屈库勒克东矿床是东昆仑造山带西段新近发现的一座大型金锑矿床,大规模金锑矿化及相关热液蚀变产于F5断裂及相关构造破碎带内.矿体主要呈脉状赋存于上石炭统哈拉米兰河群浅变质碳质粉砂岩中,少量赋存于闪长质岩脉中.矿石矿物以黄铁矿、辉锑矿为主,其次为毒砂、黄铜矿、磁黄铁矿、自然金等,常见浸染状、脉状、细脉状、块状等矿石构造,矿化主要与硅化、绢云母化蚀变密切相关.构造几何学与运动学解析表明,控矿F5断裂为近东西走向、陡倾向北( 340°~20°),倾角55°~85°,具有自北向南逆冲的运动学属性,形成于区域三叠纪碰撞造山晚/后期环境.根据野外地质证据并结合前人研究成果,笔者提出F5断裂严格控制了矿区金锑矿化带与高品位矿体的几何样式、空间展布和产出,其活动时代与金锑矿化也具有一致性,是金锑矿化的关键控矿因素;闪长质岩脉并非导致金锑矿化的直接因素,其在金锑富集与成矿过程中主要扮演了"催化剂"的角色.根据成矿地质特征、控矿构造及其对成矿的控制以及前人研究成果,笔者认为屈库勒克东金锑矿床很可能是断层控矿的造山型矿床.

The Qukulekedong deposit in Xinjiang,NW China is a large Au-Sb deposit that was newly discovered in the westernmost part of the East Kunlun Orogen. Large-scale Au-Sb mineralization and associated hydrothermal al-teration are confined within the F5 fault and associated fracture zone. The Au-Sb lodes are predominantly hosted within the slightly-metamorphic carbonaceous siltstone of the Upper Carboniferous Halamilanhe Group with mi-nor hosted in the dioritic dykes. Ore minerals mainly include pyrite and stibnite,as well as minor arsenopyrite,chalcopyrite,pyrrhotite,and native gold. They commonly occur as disseminated,veined,veinlet,and massive ores. The mineralization has a close relationship with silicification and sericitization. Geometric and kinematic analysis indicate that the F5 fault strikes east-west and dips to the north (340°~20°) at 55°~85°,showing a top-to-the-south thrusting formed in a syn-to post-collisional orogenic setting during the Triassic. Field geological evi-dence,in combination with previous studies,suggest that the F5 fault predominantly controls the geometry,spatial distribution and occurrence of Au-Sb mineralized corridor and high-grade lodes,and the timing of faulting coin-cides with that of Au-Sb mineralization. Therefore,the F5 fault becomes a pivotal controlling factor for Au-Sb mineralization. The dioritic dykes plays a role of catalyst in the Au-Sb enrichment and mineralization,rather than a direct causative factor. Based on geological characteristics,ore-controlling structures and its control on ore ge-nesis,and previous studies,we propose that the Qukulekedong Au-Sb deposit is likely a fault-controlled orogenic deposit.


吐鲁番金源矿冶有限责任公司,新疆鄯善 838204||中国地质学会新疆关键矿产勘查开发技术创新基地,新疆乌鲁木齐 830063中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院,北京 100083新疆紫金黄金有限公司,新疆乌恰 845450且末县邦泰矿业投资有限公司,新疆且末 841900北京矿产地质研究院有限责任公司,北京 100012吐鲁番金源矿冶有限责任公司,新疆鄯善 838204中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院,北京 100083||新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府国家305项目办公室,新疆乌鲁木齐 830000河北地质大学研究生学院,河北石家庄 050031



geological characteristicsore-controlling structuresore genesisQukulekedong Au-Sb depositEast Kunlun Orogen

《矿床地质》 2024 (004)

865-876 / 12


