

Cloning and Expression Analysis of GmRSZ21 Gene in Soybean(Glycine max)


SR(serine/arginine-rich)蛋白家族是植物中一类关键调控因子,广泛参与植物生长发育的各个时期,并且能够响应非生物胁迫.本研究以栽培大豆(Glycine max)为对象,克隆了RSZ(Zn-knuckles-type arginine/serine-rich protein)亚家族的GmRSZ21基因(GenBank No.XP_014634806.1),并进行了生物信息学和表达分析.结果表明,GmRSZ21基因包含4个外显子和3个内含子,编码区全长561 bp,编码186个氨基酸,其中精氨酸占比最高(19.4%);GmRSZ21蛋白的相对分子量为21.36 kD,二级结构以无规则卷曲(57.53%)为主,没有跨膜结构域,无信号肽,为不稳定的亲水蛋白,预测定位于细胞核;氨基酸序列比对表明,GmRSZ21蛋白在不同物种中高度保守;系统发育分析显示,GmRSZ21蛋白与野生大豆(G.soja)中的同源蛋白具有最近的进化关系;GmRSZ21基因启动子包含20种顺式作用元件,其中光响应元件的种类最多(7种).表达模式分析显示,GmRSZ21在大豆各组织中均有表达,在茎中表达量最高,在鼓粒始期豆荚中表达量最低;该基因受到干旱和盐胁迫的诱导,可能参与大豆对非生物胁迫的响应.本研究为SR蛋白家族功能解析以及该类蛋白在大豆分子育种中的应用提供参考.

The SR(serine/arginine-rich)protein family is a class of key regulators in plants,which is involved in plant growth and development,and responsive to abiotic stresses.In this study,GmRSZ21(GenBank No.XP_014634806.1),the subfamily of RSZ(Zn-knuckles-type arginine/serine-rich protein),was cloned from soybean(Glycine max)and bioinformatics and expression analysis were carried out.The results showed that GmRSZ21 gene contained 4 exons and 3 introns,and the total length of the coding region was 561 bp.GmRSZ21 encoded 186 amino acids,among which arginine accounted for the highest proportion(19.4%).The relative molecular weight of GmRSZ21 protein was 21.36 kD,and its secondary structure was mainly random coil(57.53%),without transmembrane domains or signal peptides.The GmRSZ21 protein was predicted to be an unstable hydrophilic protein and located in the nucleus.Amino acid sequence comparison showed that the GmRSZ21 protein was highly conserved among different species.Phylogenetic analysis showed that the GmRSZ21 protein had the closest evolutionary relationship with its homologues in wild soybean(G.soja).The GmRSZ21 gene promoter contained 20 cis-acting elements,among which,the light response elements were most abundant.Expression analysis showed that GmRSZ21 was expressed in all tissues,with the highest expression in stems and the lowest expression in pods at the onset of bulging;the GmRSZ21 expression could be induced by drought and salt stress,and it was hypothesised that this gene might be participated in abiotic stresses in the soybean.This study provides a reference for the functional analysis of the SR protein family and its application in soybean molecular breeding.


聊城大学农学与农业工业工程学院,聊城 252000聊城大学农学与农业工业工程学院,聊城 252000||青岛农业大学生命科学学院,青岛 266000


大豆非生物胁迫基因克隆生物信息学分析RSZ21(Zn-knuckles-type arginine/serine-rich protein)

SoybeanAbiotic stressGene cloningBioinformatics analysisZn-knuckles-type arginine/serine-rich protein(RSZ21)

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (009)

1971-1981 / 11


