

An Ideal Modeling Study of the Influence of Oceanic Fronts on Atmospheric Rivers in Winter


本文利用天气研究和预报(Weather research and forecasting,WRF)模式设置了两组具有不同海洋锋面强度的"渠道模型"理想数值试验,忽略地形作用,探讨了冬季海洋锋面对大气河(Atmospheric river,AR)的影响.结果表明,在不同强度的海洋锋面试验中,大气低层风速、湍流热通量等物理量的响应与海温的变化同位相,且大气低层各变量对海洋锋面南侧海温变化的响应较北侧更大,呈现出南北不对称性.海洋锋强度的增强促进了向高空的涡动热量和水汽输送,导致高空风速加强和风暴轴北移.海洋锋面的增强还为经过其上空的气旋提供了更多的动量和水汽,加强了气旋南侧的水汽输送带,从而促进了大气河发生频数的增加和大气河强度的增强.

By using WRF(Weather research and forecasting)model,two sets of idealized numerical experiments with different strengths of oceanic front are conducted.By using the ideal channel model,the influence of oceanic front on AR(atmospheric river)in winter is investigated and the influence of to-pography is ignored.The results show that the response of wind speed and turbulent heat flux in the low-level atmosphere in the two sets of experiments is in phase with the change of SST(sea surface tem-perature),while the response of low-level atmosphere in the south of the front is larger than that in the north,showing a meridional asymmetry in the response to SST change.The strengthening of oceanic front intensified the vertical eddy heat and water vapor fluxes,resulting in a larger wind speed and a northward shift of the storm track in upper troposphere.Under the effect of the intensified oceanic front,more moisture and momentum are in-taken when a cyclone passing by,which facilities the forma-tion of the high water vapor transport zone in the south of cyclones.To this extent,the increase of ocean front facilities the occurrence of ARs and intensified the AR strength.


中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院,山东青岛 266100||大连市气象台,辽宁大连 116001中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院,山东青岛 266100



oceanic frontatmospheric riverchannel modelstorm trackatmospheric front

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (009)

12-20 / 9

国家自然科学基金项目(41975065);泰山学者攀登计划项目(ZR2019ZD12)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41975065);the Taishan Panddeng Scholar Project(ZR2019ZD12)

