

Seawater Quality Criteria Derivation and Ecological Risk Assessment for Atrazine in Laizhou Bay


针对近海常见污染物阿特拉津水质基准缺失的问题,本研究搜集了阿特拉津对海洋生物的毒性数据,获得急性毒性数据76个,涵盖10门34科,共38个物种,其中,绿藻门扁藻(Tetraselmis chuii)和褐藻门鼓藻(Bellerochea polymor-pha)的种平均急性毒性值为0.02 mg/L,对阿特拉津最为敏感;得到慢性毒性数据32个,涵盖10门18科,共19个物种,其中褐藻门舟形藻(Navicula sp.)的种平均慢性毒性值为0.004 3 mg/L,对阿特拉津最敏感.基于收集的急、慢性毒性数据,利用物种敏感度分布(Species sensitivity distribution,SSD)法推导出阿特拉津的短期和长期水质基准分别为6 600和1 975 ng/L.此外,本研究中还发现莱州湾海域表层海水中阿特拉津的检出率为100%,浓度范围为48.15~118.24 ng/L.风险商法和联合概率曲线法均显示莱州湾海水中阿特拉津的生态风险处于可接受水平.这些结果可为制订阿特拉津的海水水质标准、评估其生态风险提供科学依据.

As a widely used herbicide,atrazine is ubiquitous in coastal environments,but its marine water quality criteria are still lacking.Therefore,this study collected the toxicity data of atrazine on ma-rine organisms and obtained 76 acute toxicity data on 38 species in 10 phyla and 34 families.Among them,Tetraselmis Chuii and Bellerochea polymorpha with a species mean acute toxicity value of 0.02 mg/L were the most sensitive to atrazine.A total of 32 chronic toxicity data were obtained,including 19 species covering 10 phyla and 18 families.Navicula sp.had a species mean chronic toxicity value of 0.004 3 mg/L and was the most sensitive to atrazine.Based on the acute and chronic toxicity data,the short-term and long-term seawater quality criteria for atrazine derived by the species sensitivity distribu-tion(SSD)method were 6 600 and 1 975 ng/L,respectively.In addition,this study investigated at-razine pollution in the surface seawater of Laizhou Bay and found that its detection rate was 100%,with a concentration range of 48.15~118.24 ng/L.Both the hazard quotient method and joint probability curve method showed that the ecological risk of atrazine in Laizhou Bay was at an acceptable level.The results can provide scientific basis for establishing the seawater quality standard for atrazine and evalua-ting its ecological risk.


中国海洋大学海洋生命学院,山东青岛 266003山东省海洋资源与环境研究院,山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室,山东烟台 264006



Laizhou Bayatrazinewater quality criteriaecological riskspecies sensitivity distribu-tiontoxicity data

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (009)

78-87 / 10

国家重点研究发展计划项目(2018YFC1407603);中央高校基本科研业务费项目(201964025)资助 Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program(2018YFC1407603);the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(201964025)

