

Ability of Soil and Water Conservation Measures to Resist Flash Flood Disaster Under Extreme Rainstorm Conditions in Qingcheng County of Gansu Province


[目的]最大洪峰流量是导致暴洪灾害的决定性因素.研究小流域降水频率、治理程度与洪峰流量、暴洪灾害损失的关联性,为水土保持减灾防灾工作提供科学依据.[方法]采用回归分析、对比分析等方法,对甘肃省庆阳市庆城县蔡家庙、野狐沟两条相邻流域1981-2022年水保措施的调水效益以及降水因子、水保措施对洪峰流量的影响进行分析.[结果]①小流域水保措施调水效益随治理程度的提高而增加,随降水频率的提高而减少.②年最大日降水量对洪峰流量变化具有极显著的正向影响(p<0.01),贡献率系数为0.707;治理程度对洪峰流量呈负影响,贡献率系数为-0.237.③30 a 一遇洪峰流量(频率为3%)与50 a 一遇洪峰流量(频率为2%)灾害损失强度分别达到1.74× 10 5,3.13× 10 6元/km2,后者比前者增长了 16.95倍.[结论]影响洪峰流量变化的主要因素是年最大日降水量.水保措施对削减洪峰流量具有显著的影响.流域治理程度越高,削减洪峰流量的效果越明显,减少暴洪灾害经济损失的能力越大.

[Objective]Maximum flood peak flow is the decisive factor leading to flood disaster.The correlation between precipitation frequency,management level,and flood peak flow and flood disaster loss in a small watershed was studied to provide a scientific basis for soil and water conservation,disaster reduction,and prevention.[Methods]The water transfer benefits of soil and water conservation measures in two adjacent basins of Caijiamiao and Yehugou from 1981 to 2022 were analyzed by using both regression analysis and comparative analysis,as well as the effects of precipitation factors and soil and water conservation measures on flood peak flow.[Results]① The benefit of water conservation measures in a small watershed increased with increasing management level,and decreased with increasing precipitation frequency.② Annual maximum daily precipitation had a highly significant positive effect on the change of flood peak flow(p<0.01),and the contribution rate coefficient was 0.707.Management level had a negative impact on the flood peak flow,and the contribution rate coefficient was-0.237.③ The disaster loss intensity of 30-year flood peak flow(frequency of 3%)and 50-year flood peak flow(frequency of 2%)reached 1.74×105 yuan/km2 and 3.13 ×10 6 yuan/km2,respectively,with the latter value being 16.95 times greater than the former value.[Conclusion]The main factor affecting the change of flood peak flow was the annual maximum daily precipitation.Soil and water conservation measures had a significant impact on the reduction of flood peak flow.The higher the degree of watershed management,the more obvious the effect of reducing flood peak flow,and the greater the ability to reduce the economic loss of flood disasters.


甘肃农业大学林学院,甘肃兰州 730070甘肃林业职业技术学院林业工程学院,甘肃天水 741000甘肃智富瑞达生态环境工程有限公司甘肃兰州 730070



soil and water conservationflood disasterflood peak flowdisaster losswater transfer benefit

《水土保持通报》 2024 (003)

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